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    NBA 2017/18

    boomer crook

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    NBA 2017/18 - Page 32 Empty Re: NBA 2017/18

    Post by boomer crook 18.12.18 0:12


    And Will's father stood up, stuffed his pipe with tobacco, rummaged his pockets for matches, brought out a battered harmonica, a penknife, a cigarette lighter that wouldn't work, and a memo pad he had always meant to write some great thoughts down on but never got around to, and lined up these weapons for a pygmy war that could be lost before it even started
    boomer crook

    Posts : 38259
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    NBA 2017/18 - Page 32 Empty Re: NBA 2017/18

    Post by boomer crook 18.12.18 0:13

    a moze i dragon. teo je tu da udje na pet minuta.

    And Will's father stood up, stuffed his pipe with tobacco, rummaged his pockets for matches, brought out a battered harmonica, a penknife, a cigarette lighter that wouldn't work, and a memo pad he had always meant to write some great thoughts down on but never got around to, and lined up these weapons for a pygmy war that could be lost before it even started
    boomer crook

    Posts : 38259
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    NBA 2017/18 - Page 32 Empty Re: NBA 2017/18

    Post by boomer crook 18.12.18 0:14

    inace i brada i stef su defanzivne rupe. stef manje a i bolje ga kriju u gsw.

    And Will's father stood up, stuffed his pipe with tobacco, rummaged his pockets for matches, brought out a battered harmonica, a penknife, a cigarette lighter that wouldn't work, and a memo pad he had always meant to write some great thoughts down on but never got around to, and lined up these weapons for a pygmy war that could be lost before it even started

    Posts : 7930
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    NBA 2017/18 - Page 32 Empty Re: NBA 2017/18

    Post by Bluberi 18.12.18 0:30

    No Country wrote:Рецимо да им је ово петорка: Стеф, Брада, Дурантула, Леброн и Обрва. Па сад ти играј против тога. Теодосић можда на плеју???

    NBA 2017/18 - Page 32 Empty Re: NBA 2017/18

    Post by Guest 18.12.18 1:15

    Дакле, Дончић, Богдановић, Богдановић, Шарић и Јокић? Одлична петорка, ал’ таман да изгуби дотичних 20 разлике.

    Posts : 4670
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    NBA 2017/18 - Page 32 Empty Re: NBA 2017/18

    Post by ontheotherhand 18.12.18 9:54

    Egal dok nas ne napune faulovima u najgorem slučaju, k'o '96 Divca.


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    NBA 2017/18 - Page 32 Empty Re: NBA 2017/18

    Post by beatakeshi 18.12.18 12:55


    Sa ovakvim suđenjem 20 je premija.

    Posts : 4670
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    NBA 2017/18 - Page 32 Empty Re: NBA 2017/18

    Post by ontheotherhand 18.12.18 13:35

    Sudile bi internacionalne vedete van Amerike i Srbije, ne enbiej šabani.

    NBA 2017/18 - Page 32 Empty Re: NBA 2017/18

    Post by Guest 18.12.18 16:32

    beatakeshi wrote:http://sportklub.rs/Kosarka/NBA/a261426-Sada-i-ovo-sme-Hardenov-dvostruki-step-bek-VIDEO.html?fbclid=IwAR3w9X6M1IBHfBCGYL-3AzKGQVf0eubnhMngAVh_raHvLINUzW0OvIVK_84

    Sa ovakvim suđenjem 20 je premija.
    Да, направио је четири корака. Међутим, три је сада дозвољено, правила су се променила прошле године (ФИБА), корак у коме играч “узме” лопту је сада нулти, не рачуна се (т.ј. 0-1-2-скок је легално). Резултат је да сада све личи на кораке, наравно пре свега судијама, и упутство гласи “свирај ако је баш много страшно”. Ово је факат било.

    А потпуно си у праву и за премију. Јеби га, живи се у тој селебрити култури, нисам је ја измислио. Наравно да се Хардену или Леброну свира другачије него Јокићу, а и њему ове године гледају кроз прсте много више него прошле, итд.

    Last edited by No Country on 18.12.18 16:39; edited 1 time in total

    Posts : 7930
    Join date : 2014-10-27

    NBA 2017/18 - Page 32 Empty Re: NBA 2017/18

    Post by Bluberi 18.12.18 16:35

    Mora se pod hitno podići obruč.
    boomer crook

    Posts : 38259
    Join date : 2014-10-27

    NBA 2017/18 - Page 32 Empty Re: NBA 2017/18

    Post by boomer crook 18.12.18 20:09

    No Country wrote:
    beatakeshi wrote:http://sportklub.rs/Kosarka/NBA/a261426-Sada-i-ovo-sme-Hardenov-dvostruki-step-bek-VIDEO.html?fbclid=IwAR3w9X6M1IBHfBCGYL-3AzKGQVf0eubnhMngAVh_raHvLINUzW0OvIVK_84

    Sa ovakvim suđenjem 20 je premija.
    Да, направио је четири корака. Међутим, три је сада дозвољено, правила су се променила прошле године (ФИБА), корак у коме играч “узме” лопту је сада нулти, не рачуна се (т.ј. 0-1-2-скок је легално). Резултат је да сада све личи на кораке, наравно пре свега судијама, и упутство гласи “свирај ако је баш много страшно”. Ово је факат било.

    А потпуно си у праву и за премију. Јеби га, живи се у тој селебрити култури, нисам је ја измислио. Наравно да се Хардену или Леброну свира другачије него Јокићу, а и њему ове године гледају кроз прсте много више него прошле, итд.

    hardenu se svira drugacije nego stefu. brada je treci strelac lige ako se iskljuce slobodna bacanja. stef je tu ubedljivo prvi.

    toj petorci koju fura nc ne bi bila dovoljna jedna lopta.

    And Will's father stood up, stuffed his pipe with tobacco, rummaged his pockets for matches, brought out a battered harmonica, a penknife, a cigarette lighter that wouldn't work, and a memo pad he had always meant to write some great thoughts down on but never got around to, and lined up these weapons for a pygmy war that could be lost before it even started

    NBA 2017/18 - Page 32 Empty Re: NBA 2017/18

    Post by Guest 18.12.18 23:10

    У тој петорци имаш три феноменална додавача, и два пристојна. То што сва петорица могу да саспу по 50 поена at a given game... то је обашка. Петорка не ваља јер не би играли озбиљно, ту је једини проблем.

    Posts : 19700
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    NBA 2017/18 - Page 32 Empty Re: NBA 2017/18

    Post by beatakeshi 18.12.18 23:36

    Jel' Kokoškov nešto izumeo u poslednjih par utakmica ili je ovo čista slučajnost?

    NBA 2017/18 - Page 32 Empty Re: NBA 2017/18

    Post by Guest 18.12.18 23:40

    Вратио му се онај мали напаљенко.

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    NBA 2017/18 - Page 32 Empty Re: NBA 2017/18

    Post by ficfiric 19.12.18 17:29

    Kad vec mastamo, ako reprezentacija SFRJ nije izvodljiva, u teoriji je izvodljiv NBA tim

    Niski: Dragon - Teo - Bogdan - Bojan - Doncic - Osman - Hezonja - Musa
    Visoki: Jokic - Saric - Bjelica - Mirotic - Nurkic - Vucevic - Bobi
    2-way contract: Bender - Zizic ili Zubac
    Trener: Kokoskov
    GM: Divac

    Finale konferencije sa GSW realno


    Uprava napolje!


    Posts : 19700
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    NBA 2017/18 - Page 32 Empty Re: NBA 2017/18

    Post by beatakeshi 19.12.18 18:05

    Nije me mrzelo
    Dončić, Bogdanovići, Bjelica, Jokić, Vučević, Nurkić, Mirotić (što je u proseku 240 minuta)
    130 p, 26 as, 60 skokova

    NBA 2017/18 - Page 32 Empty Re: NBA 2017/18

    Post by Guest 19.12.18 21:47

    Добар би то тим био. Таман Драгић да буде 9-ти човек у ротацији (т.ј. стартни плеј, ипак мора неко). Наравно, не би се живело од Теових и Бобијевих ботова.

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    NBA 2017/18 - Page 32 Empty Re: NBA 2017/18

    Post by ficfiric 19.12.18 22:54

    Polivali bi trojke. Prvi i cetvrti po procentu su nasi

    1. Bjelica 48.5%
    4. Bojan 47.4%
    27. Vucevic 40.4%
    89. Doncic 35.7%
    95. Bogdan 35.2%
    98. Mirotic 34.8%
    117. Saric 33.1%
    141. Jokic 29.8%


    Uprava napolje!


    Posts : 7994
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    NBA 2017/18 - Page 32 Empty Re: NBA 2017/18

    Post by MNE 07.01.19 11:45

    No Country wrote:Рецимо да им је ово петорка: Стеф, Брада, Дурантула, Леброн и Обрва. Па сад ти играј против тога. Теодосић можда на плеју???
    to je bila petorka 2014e minus Lebron i Durant, 37 razlike u finalu s tim što je amere baš baš išao šut, prosjek do finala im je bio 100 i u finalu su usuli 129, a i ovaj "SFRJ" tim bi bio daleko jači nego tadašnji tim Srbije

    boomer crook

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    NBA 2017/18 - Page 32 Empty Re: NBA 2017/18

    Post by boomer crook 08.01.19 1:15

    sta nam rade! rasrbljuju!


    And Will's father stood up, stuffed his pipe with tobacco, rummaged his pockets for matches, brought out a battered harmonica, a penknife, a cigarette lighter that wouldn't work, and a memo pad he had always meant to write some great thoughts down on but never got around to, and lined up these weapons for a pygmy war that could be lost before it even started

    Posts : 36565
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    NBA 2017/18 - Page 32 Empty Re: NBA 2017/18

    Post by ficfiric 09.01.19 16:53


    Uprava napolje!

    boomer crook

    Posts : 38259
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    NBA 2017/18 - Page 32 Empty Re: NBA 2017/18

    Post by boomer crook 09.01.19 17:56

    pa kingsima bi kanter bas lego

    And Will's father stood up, stuffed his pipe with tobacco, rummaged his pockets for matches, brought out a battered harmonica, a penknife, a cigarette lighter that wouldn't work, and a memo pad he had always meant to write some great thoughts down on but never got around to, and lined up these weapons for a pygmy war that could be lost before it even started

    Posts : 36565
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    NBA 2017/18 - Page 32 Empty Re: NBA 2017/18

    Post by ficfiric 09.01.19 18:12

    Mogao bi mozda i WCS da ode, da ne pravi guzvu


    Uprava napolje!


    Posts : 36565
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    NBA 2017/18 - Page 32 Empty Re: NBA 2017/18

    Post by ficfiric 20.01.19 11:31

    Kad se setim paljbe po Divcu nakon sto je trejdovao Kazinsa NBA 2017/18 - Page 32 1861198401

    How Vlade Divac, Kings came out ahead in DeMarcus Cousins trade gamble

    After Vlade Divac surprisingly traded DeMarcus Cousins on Feb. 20, 2017, the Kings general manager famously delivered a prediction.

    "I believe we are going to be in a better position in two years," Divac said. "I want to hear again from these same people in two years. If I'm right, great. If I'm wrong, I'll step down. But if I go down, I'm going down my way."

    We've almost reached that two-year mark, so it's time to assess the work Divac has done since making the difficult decision to deal away Cousins to the New Orleans Pelicans for a package featuring Buddy Hield and a first-round and a second-round draft pick.

    The Kings were 24-33 when they traded Cousins, a four-time All-Star who considered the franchise's cornerstone from the moment he was picked fifth overall in the 2010 NBA Draft. They were just outside of the playoff hunt at the time of the transaction but fell apart down the stretch, struggling to an 8-27 record over the final 35 games to finish with the league's eighth-worst record.

    Hield played well for Sacramento after coming over in the deal, finishing his rookie season by averaging 15.1 points per game in 25 games wearing a Kings uniform. In his third season, the 26-year-old has become one of the league's best shooters, and he's averaging more than 20 points per game as the Kings' starting shooting guard.

    New Orleans struggled down the stretch after acquiring Cousins, which worked out perfectly for the Kings. They took the 10th overall selection from the Pelicans and traded it to the Portland Trail Blazers for the 15th and 20th picks in the 2017 NBA Draft.

    With the 15th pick, the Kings selected Justin Jackson out of North Carolina. He has become a valuable part of the team's rotation as a reserve wing, and is showing major improvements in his second season.

    Divac selected Harry Giles with the 20th pick, and then redshirted the talented but injured big man in Year 1. Giles has worked himself into the rotation and has high-end potential in the post.

    Sacramento also received the 34th pick in the 2017 draft as part of the Cousins trade. It used the selection to take Frank Mason, who has been in and out of the rotation in his first two seasons with the team.

    In addition to acquiring Hield, and the picks used on Jackson, Giles and Mason, there was an expected secondary result from the trade. In fact, it was one of the motivations behind it.

    [RELATED: Shump explains what makes Fox so special]

    The Kings owed a top-10-protected pick to the Chicago Bulls as part of the 2011 trade that sent Omri Casspi to the Cleveland Cavaliers for J.J. Hickson. The transaction hung over Sacramento's head for years, but 2017 was the final summer that Chicago could receive the pick. If it wasn't relayed during that season, it converted to a second-round selection.

    By falling apart down the stretch without Cousins, the Kings retained the pick. On draft lottery night, Sacramento moved from the eighth spot in the lottery to the third pick, before dropping back to fifth as part of a pick swap with Philadelphia.

    With the fifth overall selection in the 2017 NBA Draft, Divac selected De'Aaron Fox out of Kentucky. In his second NBA season, he is the centerpiece of the Kings' franchise.

    Divac gambled, and the early results are shocking. He basically turned Cousins into Hield, Jackson, Giles, Mason and Fox. He went young last season, and that resulted in another lottery selection, which became Marvin Bagley.

    In Cousins' six-plus seasons with the Kings, the team never made it to Jan. 1 with a .500 record. The team currently sits at 23-22 on the season and is in the hunt for a playoff spot. Meanwhile, Cousins is with the two-time defending champion Warriors after leaving the Pelicans, trying to rebuild his value after an Achilles injury cut his 2017-18 season short.

    Sacramento did its best to build a team around Cousins, who would've been paid upwards of $35 million this season, not the $5 million the Warriors are on the hook for now. Every summer, the Kings focused on bringing in the right fit to match with their star. It never worked out.



    Uprava napolje!

    konjski nil

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    NBA 2017/18 - Page 32 Empty Re: NBA 2017/18

    Post by konjski nil 16.01.23 10:02

    boomer crook wrote:jel ste ispratili raspad posle hou lac?
    obilježimo 5 godina strateškog pothvata kog se ni sun cu ne bi postidio NBA 2017/18 - Page 32 2304934895

    NBA 2017/18 - Page 32 2692   Hong Kong dollar, Indian cents, English pounds and Eskimo pence   NBA 2017/18 - Page 32 2692

    NBA 2017/18 - Page 32 Empty Re: NBA 2017/18

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