WC 2018 qualifiers & ostali reprezentativni fudbal
- Posts : 8352
Join date : 2014-10-28
Location : imamate of futa djallon
kapetanm wrote:Svedi ih dobili bas talijanskim izumom - smornim katanacom, otezanjem, defanzivom ali odbrana grmalji i zabari nista nisu mogli.
i would like to talk here about The Last of Us on HBO... and yeah, yeah i know.. the world is burning but lets just all sit and talk about television. again - what else are we doing with ourselves ? we are not creating any militias. but my god we still have the content. appraising content is the american modus vivendi.. that's why we are here for. to absorb the content and then render some sort of a judgment on content. because there is a buried hope that if enough people have the right opinion about the content - the content will get better which will then flow to our structures and make the world a better place
- Posts : 8352
Join date : 2014-10-28
Location : imamate of futa djallon
ko se od UEFA ekipa koliko puta nije plasirao na WC/EC od 1996:
spain 0/12
germany 0/12
france 0/12
italy 1/12
england 1/12
portugal 1/12
croatia 2/12
netherlands 3/12
russia 4/12
switzerland 4/12
denmark 4/12*
sweden 4/12
czech rep 5/12
greece 6/12
belgium 6/12
poland 6/12
serbia 6/11
romania 7/12
turkey 7/12
ireland 8/12*
austria 9/12
slovenia 9/12
ukraine 9/12
bulgaria 9/12
iceland 10/12
norway 10/12
slovakia 10/12
scotland 10/12
bosnia 10/11
wales 11/12
latvia 11/12
hungary 11/12
albania 11/12
norn iron 11/12
*moze biti povecano sutra
spain 0/12
germany 0/12
france 0/12
italy 1/12
england 1/12
portugal 1/12
croatia 2/12
netherlands 3/12
russia 4/12
switzerland 4/12
denmark 4/12*
sweden 4/12
czech rep 5/12
greece 6/12
belgium 6/12
poland 6/12
serbia 6/11
romania 7/12
turkey 7/12
ireland 8/12*
austria 9/12
slovenia 9/12
ukraine 9/12
bulgaria 9/12
iceland 10/12
norway 10/12
slovakia 10/12
scotland 10/12
bosnia 10/11
wales 11/12
latvia 11/12
hungary 11/12
albania 11/12
norn iron 11/12
*moze biti povecano sutra
i would like to talk here about The Last of Us on HBO... and yeah, yeah i know.. the world is burning but lets just all sit and talk about television. again - what else are we doing with ourselves ? we are not creating any militias. but my god we still have the content. appraising content is the american modus vivendi.. that's why we are here for. to absorb the content and then render some sort of a judgment on content. because there is a buried hope that if enough people have the right opinion about the content - the content will get better which will then flow to our structures and make the world a better place
- Posts : 10317
Join date : 2012-02-10
Pad Italije - Car je go u zemlji najboljih krojača na svetu!
Zasto ljudi arce vreme, tintu, elektrone da bi napisali ovako nesto?
Kada su nastavnici srpskog prestali da ocenjuju pismene zadatke pa svako misli da moze da nesto pise i objavi?
Kako je moguce da na ovim prostorima nema nikog ko razume fudbal?
Zasto ljudi arce vreme, tintu, elektrone da bi napisali ovako nesto?
Kada su nastavnici srpskog prestali da ocenjuju pismene zadatke pa svako misli da moze da nesto pise i objavi?
Kako je moguce da na ovim prostorima nema nikog ko razume fudbal?
Last edited by Hubert de Montmirail on Tue Nov 14, 2017 4:26 pm; edited 1 time in total
- Posts : 1031
Join date : 2014-10-28
linkovo si opet bugare
no pronasao sam clanak, tugaljivo je retardiran
no pronasao sam clanak, tugaljivo je retardiran
The thing that so pleases me about DMT is that, you know, a lot of people will not take a psychedelic like LSD and Psilocybin or something because it lasts hours and hours and inevitably when dealing with things that last that long you're gonna end up dealing with 'your stuff'. Your anxieties, your fears, your this & that.. A lot of people dont care for that sort of thing, whether that's good or bad is another issue. With DMT -it lasts four minutes- and how *lost* can you get in an examination of childhood trauma in four minutes, especially when you've got hundreds of elves tugging at your coatsleaves?
- Posts : 10317
Join date : 2012-02-10
- Posts : 1031
Join date : 2014-10-28
hej nego jel znas za tribinu hr ? linkovo ih jednom kojot na PPP i sad ne mogu da ih se naslusam. meni su oni fantasticni, pocecu i NFL da pratim zbog njih.
The thing that so pleases me about DMT is that, you know, a lot of people will not take a psychedelic like LSD and Psilocybin or something because it lasts hours and hours and inevitably when dealing with things that last that long you're gonna end up dealing with 'your stuff'. Your anxieties, your fears, your this & that.. A lot of people dont care for that sort of thing, whether that's good or bad is another issue. With DMT -it lasts four minutes- and how *lost* can you get in an examination of childhood trauma in four minutes, especially when you've got hundreds of elves tugging at your coatsleaves?
- Posts : 10317
Join date : 2012-02-10
iskreno, ne pratim hrvatski fudbal ima par godina, otkako su ukinuli direktne prenose, to jest onu emisiju sto je vodila Mila Horvat
- Posts : 1031
Join date : 2014-10-28
stidljivo pocinju da obradjuju i 'nase' teme, ne samo hr. ja ne znam dal sam u zivotu video boljeg i zanimljivijeg sportskog novinara od ovog ivkovica, kazem ti i glupi NFL cu pocet pratit zbog njega.
The thing that so pleases me about DMT is that, you know, a lot of people will not take a psychedelic like LSD and Psilocybin or something because it lasts hours and hours and inevitably when dealing with things that last that long you're gonna end up dealing with 'your stuff'. Your anxieties, your fears, your this & that.. A lot of people dont care for that sort of thing, whether that's good or bad is another issue. With DMT -it lasts four minutes- and how *lost* can you get in an examination of childhood trauma in four minutes, especially when you've got hundreds of elves tugging at your coatsleaves?
- Posts : 1031
Join date : 2014-10-28
ili evo analiza kako su dobili grke pre neki dan
The thing that so pleases me about DMT is that, you know, a lot of people will not take a psychedelic like LSD and Psilocybin or something because it lasts hours and hours and inevitably when dealing with things that last that long you're gonna end up dealing with 'your stuff'. Your anxieties, your fears, your this & that.. A lot of people dont care for that sort of thing, whether that's good or bad is another issue. With DMT -it lasts four minutes- and how *lost* can you get in an examination of childhood trauma in four minutes, especially when you've got hundreds of elves tugging at your coatsleaves?
- Posts : 485
Join date : 2016-06-29
jel se prati irska-danska na forumu ? 1:0 za irce 15-ti minut ali viktorije na njihovoj polovini
Santa Dog's a Jesus Fetus
Santa Dog's a Jesus Fetus
Santa Dog's a Jesus Fetus
Has no presents
Has no presence
In the future
In the future
- Posts : 485
Join date : 2016-06-29
kakva sansa za irce
Santa Dog's a Jesus Fetus
Santa Dog's a Jesus Fetus
Santa Dog's a Jesus Fetus
Has no presents
Has no presence
In the future
In the future
- Posts : 485
Join date : 2016-06-29
i jos jedna za mcclean-a, braaateee
Santa Dog's a Jesus Fetus
Santa Dog's a Jesus Fetus
Santa Dog's a Jesus Fetus
Has no presents
Has no presence
In the future
In the future
- Posts : 485
Join date : 2016-06-29
1:1 iz autogola, bemti fudbal
Santa Dog's a Jesus Fetus
Santa Dog's a Jesus Fetus
Santa Dog's a Jesus Fetus
Has no presents
Has no presence
In the future
In the future
- Posts : 485
Join date : 2016-06-29
1:2 u dupe
Santa Dog's a Jesus Fetus
Santa Dog's a Jesus Fetus
Santa Dog's a Jesus Fetus
Has no presents
Has no presence
In the future
In the future
- Posts : 485
Join date : 2016-06-29
prvi baraz koji sam u zivotu gledao i koji mi je negde formirao sliku i koncept baraza je bio baraz mec za odlazak na EURO 1995 izmedju irske i holandije koji su izgubili 0:2. i dve godine posle, posto se se nasi kvalifikovali u prvoj utakmici u budimpetsi, mogao sam rastereceno gledati ostale i opet sam prisustvovao agonizing ispadanju iraca u barazu ovog puta od apsolutno nipocemu bolje belgije 1:1 i 1:2. bukvalno dva ista tima. i uvek u mom secanju ako se igra neki baraz, garant su tu negde motaju irci, vrebaju priliku da iz drugog plana bukiraju kartu za SP.
i evo sad gledam I poluvreme irska danska 1:2, maltene ko istu utakmicu da gledam, opet neki severnoevropski protivnik i opet irci baksuzi. ko da vreme proslo nije.
i evo sad gledam I poluvreme irska danska 1:2, maltene ko istu utakmicu da gledam, opet neki severnoevropski protivnik i opet irci baksuzi. ko da vreme proslo nije.
Santa Dog's a Jesus Fetus
Santa Dog's a Jesus Fetus
Santa Dog's a Jesus Fetus
Has no presents
Has no presence
In the future
In the future
- Posts : 10317
Join date : 2012-02-10
jok, gledam Engleska-Brazil ali bolje da radim bilo šta drugo
- Posts : 10317
Join date : 2012-02-10
inače ne pamtim Irce po baražima ali pamtim da su se uvek na svetskim prvenstvima provlačili u drugu fazu kao puvanjci
- Posts : 485
Join date : 2016-06-29
jbt erkisen istrco kontru sam ko duh, oci u oci sa randolphom i nista, ako ovo sad ne trgne irce nece nista
Santa Dog's a Jesus Fetus
Santa Dog's a Jesus Fetus
Santa Dog's a Jesus Fetus
Has no presents
Has no presence
In the future
In the future
- Posts : 485
Join date : 2016-06-29
inace nepodnosljivo lozeenje irskih komentatora i javnosti uopste na hoolahana, 35-ogodisnju rezervu norwicha-a. koje su to relacije sine, kakav nedostatak kvalitetnog fudbalskog materijala. to apslutno sve govori o irskoj repci.
Santa Dog's a Jesus Fetus
Santa Dog's a Jesus Fetus
Santa Dog's a Jesus Fetus
Has no presents
Has no presence
In the future
In the future
- Guest
Joó János wrote:prvi baraz koji sam u zivotu gledao i koji mi je negde formirao sliku i koncept baraza je bio baraz mec za odlazak na EURO 1995 izmedju irske i holandije koji su izgubili 0:2. i dve godine posle, posto se se nasi kvalifikovali u prvoj utakmici u budimpetsi, mogao sam rastereceno gledati ostale i opet sam prisustvovao agonizing ispadanju iraca u barazu ovog puta od apsolutno nipocemu bolje belgije 1:1 i 1:2. bukvalno dva ista tima. i uvek u mom secanju ako se igra neki baraz, garant su tu negde motaju irci, vrebaju priliku da iz drugog plana bukiraju kartu za SP.
i evo sad gledam I poluvreme irska danska 1:2, maltene ko istu utakmicu da gledam, opet neki severnoevropski protivnik i opet irci baksuzi. ko da vreme proslo nije.
Ima i ovo:
- Posts : 485
Join date : 2016-06-29
jeste a ima i ono kada su izbacili holandiju sa davidsom, seedorfom, klajvertom i ostalima 2002.
inace 1:3, gotovo je ovo
inace 1:3, gotovo je ovo
Santa Dog's a Jesus Fetus
Santa Dog's a Jesus Fetus
Santa Dog's a Jesus Fetus
Has no presents
Has no presence
In the future
In the future
- Posts : 1031
Join date : 2014-10-28
australija prosla na WC. prva i druga violina ekipe ce dogodine biti mile jedinak od 34 i starac kejhil od 39 leta, brt koji raspad
The thing that so pleases me about DMT is that, you know, a lot of people will not take a psychedelic like LSD and Psilocybin or something because it lasts hours and hours and inevitably when dealing with things that last that long you're gonna end up dealing with 'your stuff'. Your anxieties, your fears, your this & that.. A lot of people dont care for that sort of thing, whether that's good or bad is another issue. With DMT -it lasts four minutes- and how *lost* can you get in an examination of childhood trauma in four minutes, especially when you've got hundreds of elves tugging at your coatsleaves?
- Posts : 10317
Join date : 2012-02-10
Možda se Kjuel reaktivira. I Mark Viduka.
- Posts : 1031
Join date : 2014-10-28
i mark bosnich !
The thing that so pleases me about DMT is that, you know, a lot of people will not take a psychedelic like LSD and Psilocybin or something because it lasts hours and hours and inevitably when dealing with things that last that long you're gonna end up dealing with 'your stuff'. Your anxieties, your fears, your this & that.. A lot of people dont care for that sort of thing, whether that's good or bad is another issue. With DMT -it lasts four minutes- and how *lost* can you get in an examination of childhood trauma in four minutes, especially when you've got hundreds of elves tugging at your coatsleaves?