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    Evrovizija - Page 37 Empty Re: Evrovizija

    Post by tanjajedaska Sat May 11, 2024 6:11 am

    Nas prustup Evroviziji se radikalno ne konzervatizovao vec reakcionisao za samo nekoliko sezona. Od cika Serifovica, preko titoistkinje s Dedinja Konstrakte, uz ocajnickog metroseksualca prosle godine - zakucali smo se za Ramondu oko koje plesu ukusno odevenu heroji s Kosara. S tim u vezi percepcija tog vasara se promenila kao kada bapci sa spaljenom kosom po haubama komentarisu "ala ima svercera u gradskom saobracaju" i "da li joj otac i majka znaju s kim se vucara", cudimo se kao purica dreku odakle satanizam, gole guze i providni trikoi, kao Dzimi Barka koji je sa ispracaja regruta dosao u Dom omladine da peva rok. Nama je mesto na Azijasongu.

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    Evrovizija - Page 37 Empty Re: Evrovizija

    Post by tanjajedaska Sat May 11, 2024 6:13 am

    Sledece godine saljemo pojca Aksentijevica a onda po nalogu Porfirija izlazimo iz Djavolovog kola.
    Erős Pista

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    Evrovizija - Page 37 Empty Re: Evrovizija

    Post by Erős Pista Sat May 11, 2024 9:16 am

    Evrovizija - Page 37 3579118792 Evrovizija - Page 37 3579118792 Evrovizija - Page 37 3579118792

    "Oni kroz mene gledaju u vas! Oni kroz njega gledaju u vas! Oni kroz vas gledaju u mene... i u sve nas."

    Dragoslav Bokan, Novi putevi oftalmologije

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    Evrovizija - Page 37 Empty Re: Evrovizija

    Post by beatakeshi Sat May 11, 2024 9:27 am

    tanjajedaska wrote:Nas prustup Evroviziji se radikalno ne konzervatizovao vec reakcionisao za samo nekoliko sezona. Od cika Serifovica, preko titoistkinje s Dedinja Konstrakte, uz ocajnickog metroseksualca prosle godine - zakucali smo se za Ramondu oko koje plesu ukusno odevenu heroji s Kosara. S tim u vezi percepcija tog vasara se promenila kao kada bapci sa spaljenom kosom po haubama komentarisu "ala ima svercera u gradskom saobracaju" i "da li joj otac i majka znaju s kim se vucara", cudimo se kao purica dreku odakle satanizam, gole guze i providni trikoi, kao Dzimi Barka koji je sa ispracaja regruta dosao u Dom omladine da peva rok. Nama je mesto na Azijasongu.
    :hail:Kad pobedimo ti da komentarišeš za bhs područje.
    One Eyed Bob

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    Evrovizija - Page 37 Empty Re: Evrovizija

    Post by One Eyed Bob Sat May 11, 2024 12:01 pm

    Želim još ovakvih postova. Godinama razmišljam o tom čuđenju čaršije zbog toga što je Evrosong takav kakav je. Kao purica dreku. Da, to je to.

    Gdje punac drži pive?

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    Evrovizija - Page 37 Empty Re: Evrovizija

    Post by rumbeando Sat May 11, 2024 12:35 pm

    Diskvalifikovali Holanđanina jer je pretio fotografkinji (po mrežama se spominje da je Šveđanka) koja radi za organizatora.

    Saopštenje EBU:

    The Dutch artist Joost Klein will not be competing in the Grand Final of this year’s Eurovision Song Contest.

    Swedish police have investigated a complaint made by a female member of the production crew after an incident following his performance in Thursday night’s Semi Final. While the legal process takes its course, it would not be appropriate for him to continue in the Contest.

    We would like to make it clear that, contrary to some media reports and social media speculation, this incident did not involve any other performer or delegation member.

    We maintain a zero-tolerance policy towards inappropriate behaviour at our event and are committed to providing a safe and secure working environment for all staff at the Contest. In light of this, Joost Klein’s behaviour towards a team member is deemed in breach of Contest rules.

    The Grand Final of the 68th Eurovision Song Contest will now proceed with 25 participating songs.

    Reakcija holandske TV:

    Evrovizija - Page 37 GNSoTN2WEAA2FuO?format=jpg&name=small

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    Evrovizija - Page 37 Empty Re: Evrovizija

    Post by rumbeando Sat May 11, 2024 2:59 pm

    Evrovizija - Page 37 GNSpSQPXgAAka48?format=jpg&name=large

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    Evrovizija - Page 37 Empty Re: Evrovizija

    Post by паће Sat May 11, 2024 3:11 pm

    Ајд макар толико, ако већ не одбијају да учествују док ове не избаце.

    А и то како музика уједињује, што је онда не производе...

       What is it before it is called a day? Why do people try to call my name and not me?
       чланак садржи негативну количину информације, прочиташ па знаш мање него пре.

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    Evrovizija - Page 37 Empty Re: Evrovizija

    Post by rumbeando Sat May 11, 2024 3:11 pm

    Irci sad traže da se razmotri diskvalifikacija Izraela zbog TV komentara pre izvođenja njihove pesme u polufinalu.

    Ireland’s Eurovision Song Contest entrant Bambie Thug has called on the competition’s organisers to address commentary made on Israeli television before their performance in Tuesday’s semi-final.

    Contending that the commentary breached the rules of the Eurovision, Bambie Thug said Israel should no longer be allowed to participate in the competition.

    "There’s a lot more anger and a lot more drive in me now," Bambie Thug said in an interview with RTÉ News.

    On Tuesday, a commentator on Kan, the Israeli public service broadcaster, warned TV viewers with children that Bambie Thug’s performance of their song, Doomsday Blue, would be "the most scary" of the night.

    "There will be a lot of spells and black magic and dark clothing, Satanic symbols, and voodoo dolls, like we are at Cats Square in Jerusalem in the mid-90s," the commentator said, referring to a well-known public square in Jerusalem that was central to the city’s nightlife in the 1990s and synonymous with goth culture.

    The commentator said there was "some controversy" in Ireland about the song, referencing a petition calling on RTÉ to disqualify Doomsday Blue as Ireland’s entry.

    He also noted that Bambie Thug liked to "speak negatively about Israel".

    "But we can talk about that later. Prepare your curses," he said.

    In their interview, Bambie Thug said the commentary, which aired on Israeli public service broadcaster Kan, had been highlighted to them.

    They said it would motivate increased anger in their performance in tonight’s grand final.

    "I’m angry with other teams breaching their rules of the [European Broadcasting Union], and still being allowed in," they said.

    "So there’s definitely a war drum sounding in my heart to push the performance even more than I have done before."

    Prevod integralnog transkripta komentara na engleski:
    The following transcript is based on translations of the commentary for RTÉ News by two native Hebrew speakers.

    Commentator 1: Wow, what is about to happen now with Ireland? Wow, wow. What is about to happen now with Ireland?

    This is the song Doomsday Blue. They [Ireland] have had a more subtle past with the likes of Johnny Logan, who you will see on stage later. But what’s going to happen this evening?

    The song is Doomsday Blue by Bambie Thug, and now is the time to get your children away from the TV screens, because we are about to see the most scary song of the night. There will be a lot of spells and black magic and dark clothing, Satanic symbols, and voodoo dolls, like we are at Cats Square in Jerusalem in the mid-90s.

    Commentator 2: Wow, there might be 200 people at most that get this reference

    Commentator 1: Anyway, there is some controversy about the song in Ireland, too. There is a petition against Bambie Thug, which claims that they are making a mockery of Irish culture.

    Commentator 2: You said ‘they’, as Bambie Thug wants to be referred to in the plural – as part of their non-binary identity.

    Commentator 1: They [Bambi Thug] also like to speak negatively about Israel. But we can talk about that later. Prepare your curses.

    Commentator 1: Wow, this is a very strange entrant compared to what we are used to from Ireland.

    Za one koji nisu pratili, ovo je irski nastup iz polufinala:


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    Evrovizija - Page 37 Empty Re: Evrovizija

    Post by rumbeando Sat May 11, 2024 3:34 pm

    To je izgleda jedina evrovizijska pesma trenutno na toj listi.

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    Evrovizija - Page 37 Empty Re: Evrovizija

    Post by rumbeando Sat May 11, 2024 6:22 pm

    Iskače reklama na YT. Kome je telefon podešen na srpski, čak mu se obraća na srpskom (dakle verovatno su snimili verzije s njom koja izgovara taj tekst na jezicima svih učesnika): "Ćao svima, glasajte za broj šest, Harikejn."

    Srpska verzija (moguće i hrvatska pošto je tekst isti) ima 134k pregleda, a engleska 3,2 miliona.

    Evrovizija - Page 37 FBBo9lZ

    I zvaničan državni nalog tvitovao reklamu.

    Nalozi ambasada tvituju odgovarajuće verzije:


    Dakle, 1 ozbiljan državni projekat.

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    Evrovizija - Page 37 Empty Re: Evrovizija

    Post by паће Sat May 11, 2024 6:58 pm

    Па ако су могли да ангажују толике хиљаде људи да исправљају чланке на википедији, евровизија је 1 пичкин дим.

       What is it before it is called a day? Why do people try to call my name and not me?
       чланак садржи негативну количину информације, прочиташ па знаш мање него пре.

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    Evrovizija - Page 37 Empty Re: Evrovizija

    Post by rumbeando Sat May 11, 2024 7:04 pm

    Holandska TV izdala detaljnije saopštenje:

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    Evrovizija - Page 37 Empty Re: Evrovizija

    Post by rumbeando Sat May 11, 2024 7:40 pm

    Finska prezenterka glasova na probi odbila da izgovori da Izrael dobija 12 poena (u pitanju su izmišljeni glasovi, ali svi treba da ih objave kako je dogovoreno) iako joj je voditeljka dala i drugu šansu, umesto toga rekla Irska pa je supervizor na kraju ispravio to.


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    Evrovizija - Page 37 Empty Re: Evrovizija

    Post by rumbeando Sat May 11, 2024 7:53 pm


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    Evrovizija - Page 37 Empty Re: Evrovizija

    Post by rumbeando Sat May 11, 2024 7:56 pm


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    Evrovizija - Page 37 Empty Re: Evrovizija

    Post by паће Sat May 11, 2024 8:07 pm

    Назире ли се то сатеривање савезника у коалицију вољних? И то на ком питању...

       What is it before it is called a day? Why do people try to call my name and not me?
       чланак садржи негативну количину информације, прочиташ па знаш мање него пре.

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    Evrovizija - Page 37 Empty Re: Evrovizija

    Post by rumbeando Sat May 11, 2024 8:16 pm


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    Evrovizija - Page 37 Empty Re: Evrovizija

    Post by rumbeando Sat May 11, 2024 8:23 pm

    Detalji o diskvalifikaciji od direktora holandske TV:

    Taco Zimmerman, head of AVROTROS, was interviewed. I translated it because it has some interesting information. Source is 1Vandaag (NPO1).

    Journalist: Why do you think the disqualification was disproportionate?

    Taco Zimmerman: Well, that's the impression we got. There was indeed an incident that took place after the second semi-final. Joost Klein left the stage and even though existing agreements were made that he wouldn't be filmed, he was still filmed by the camera woman. Joost asked her two times to stop filming and then he (Joost) made a threatening movement towards the camera. He did not touch her. This incident led to a report being made which made the EBU decide to disqualify us (AVROTROS) and Joost.

    Journalist: Did Joost Klein say anything in the confrontation?

    Taco: That I do not know.

    Journalist: Was it a violent gesture from Joost?

    Taco: I cannot judge that because I wasn't there. I am basing this on eye witnesses who were there, including Joost himself.

    Journalist: And what do they say? About a possible violent gesture?

    Taco: They said there was a threatening movement towards the camera. Nothing more.

    Journalist: Now the EBU says: "We have a zero-tolarance policy in regards to inappropriate behaviour". So they're saying there was inappropriate behaviour.

    Taco: Yes.

    Journalist: What do you think about that?

    Taco: I understand that policy and we also think the same. But it brings the question: to what extend do you punish that? We think disqualification goes too far. They (EBU) also could have, like normal people, talked to us to try to fix this situation instead of disqualification. This we find very disappointing, especially with the other solutions we offered to the EBU.

    Journalist: What other solutions did you offer?

    Taco: Multiple ones. For example; we offered that Joost would publically apologize, or that we would bring forth a statement together and similar solutions. We really tried to avoid disqualification. We did everything, and I mean everything to get Joost on the stage tonight.

    Journalist: Has there been contact with the alleged victim, the camera woman?

    Taco: No. She did not want contact with us. We find that very dissapointing. We would have liked to, but she refused any contact. She refused contact with us (AVROTROS) and Joost himself.

    Journalist: Do you have contact with Joost Klein? How is he doing?

    Taco: He is devastated. He was looking forward to taking the stage and performing for his fans that believe in him in Europe and sadly he can't do this. So he's very devastated.

    Journalist: And I also can judge from your reactions that you're quite angry about what happened.

    Taco: Yes, I find the punishment disproportionate. This situation could have been fixed in a very different manner. We could have sat around a table like grown adults to think about something where Joost could have atleast performed. And again; I was not there but again, the punishment was way too harsh. That's what I think. Maybe more details will follow.

    Journalist: So a lot has happened behind the scenes. Why do you think the EBU had such an extreme reaction to this incident?

    Taco: I find that very hard to judge. It seems like that from this year on they've instated a zero-tolerance policy. But I can only guess. I find it very hard to judge why the EBU made this decision. And in every conversation I had with them the past two days I also did not get a clear answer to this question.

    Journalist: Will you take action against EBU?

    Taco: Yes, of course. It's already happening. We are appealing this decision. Though this will not help Joost. We really would've liked to see him perform tonight.

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    Evrovizija - Page 37 Empty Re: Evrovizija

    Post by ficfiric Sat May 11, 2024 9:44 pm

    Malena Ernman
    Born: November 4, 1970 (age 53 years), Uppsala, Sweden
    Children: Beata Thunberg, Greta Thunberg
    Spouse: Svante Thunberg (m. 2004)
    Parents: Lars Ernman, Eva Ernman


    Uprava napolje!

    Vilmos Tehenészfiú

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    Evrovizija - Page 37 Empty Re: Evrovizija

    Post by Vilmos Tehenészfiú Sat May 11, 2024 10:50 pm

    Finci se sjajno zajebavaju.

    "Burundi je svakako sharmantno mesto cinika i knjiskih ljudi koji gledaju stvar sa svog olimpa od kartona."

    “Here he was then, cruising the deserts of Mexico in my Ford Torino with my wife and my credit cards and his black-tongued dog. He had a chow dog that went everywhere with him, to the post office and ball games, and now that red beast was making free with his lion feet on my Torino seats.”
    Vilmos Tehenészfiú

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    Evrovizija - Page 37 Empty Re: Evrovizija

    Post by Vilmos Tehenészfiú Sat May 11, 2024 11:01 pm

    Hrvatska dobra. Podržavam.

    "Burundi je svakako sharmantno mesto cinika i knjiskih ljudi koji gledaju stvar sa svog olimpa od kartona."

    “Here he was then, cruising the deserts of Mexico in my Ford Torino with my wife and my credit cards and his black-tongued dog. He had a chow dog that went everywhere with him, to the post office and ball games, and now that red beast was making free with his lion feet on my Torino seats.”

    Evrovizija - Page 37 Empty Re: Evrovizija

    Post by Guest Sat May 11, 2024 11:02 pm

    Uf, mogu da zamislim kako Bejbi Lazanju najavljuje Markus Kavka na glavnom Viva kanalu.

    Ja za Irsku, iako je mogla da se potrudi da ono liči na pesmu, da ima neku strukturu.

    Naša poderala aljinu do batka kada se povlačila preko Albanije.

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    Evrovizija - Page 37 Empty Re: Evrovizija

    Post by ficfiric Sat May 11, 2024 11:05 pm

    Ako se dobro secam, Lazanja je naknadno upao na Doru, nije prosao na konkursu Evrovizija - Page 37 286371741


    Uprava napolje!

    Bleeding Blitva

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    Evrovizija - Page 37 Empty Re: Evrovizija

    Post by Bleeding Blitva Sat May 11, 2024 11:12 pm

    Da, neka je odustala pa su njega ubacili. Ljudi na internetu su tražili OSTAVKE Evrovizija - Page 37 469544003

    my goosebumps have goosebumps

    Evrovizija - Page 37 Empty Re: Evrovizija

    Post by Sponsored content

      Current date/time is Thu Sep 19, 2024 4:07 am