NBA 2024/2025
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- Posts : 8530
Join date : 2014-10-28
Location : imamate of futa djallon
- Post n°26
Re: NBA 2024/2025
toronto puko 4 poena prednosti na 40 sekundi do kraja u penal zavrsnici. i posle imao trojku za pobedu u produzecima. jokic igra 45 minuta, daje 40 poena da bi ovi jedva dobili tanking team sa istoka, majko bozija
i would like to talk here about The Last of Us on HBO... and yeah, yeah i know.. the world is burning but lets just all sit and talk about television. again - what else are we doing with ourselves ? we are not creating any militias. but my god we still have the content. appraising content is the american modus vivendi.. that's why we are here for. to absorb the content and then render some sort of a judgment on content. because there is a buried hope that if enough people have the right opinion about the content - the content will get better which will then flow to our structures and make the world a better place
- Posts : 848
Join date : 2024-08-22
- Post n°27
Re: NBA 2024/2025
Vic je u tome što smo mi navikli da su Nagetsi jedan od najboljih timova u ligi, a u ovoj verziji tima imaš samo dva igrača koji igraju zaista dobro, Jokića i malog Brauna, svi ostali su u kanalu, a ono što je npr. Šarić večeras demonstrirao, ja to nikada nisam video u profi košarci, ma kog nivoa. Mislim, verovatno će Muri u nekom trenutku da proigra, i MPJ, i deca Strater i Votson će da napreduju, ja se čak nadam da će i Ras da se uklopi i da bude dobar makar u svakoj drugoj utakmici… no kako sada stvari stoje, ono što je koliko prošle sezone bio mercedes je sada polovni opel sa vraćenom kilometražom. Treba ih, makar za sada, tretirati kao tim koji će se boriti da uđe u doigravanje za plejof, jer nisu bolji od toga.
- Posts : 848
Join date : 2024-08-22
- Post n°28
Re: NBA 2024/2025
E, da je Jokara protiv Amera šutirao trojke kao na poslednje dve utakmice…
- Posts : 8530
Join date : 2014-10-28
Location : imamate of futa djallon
- Post n°29
Re: NBA 2024/2025
eto zasto smo dali Zeke Nnaji-u 8 milki, voilačika Condor wrote:a ono što je npr. Šarić večeras demonstrirao, ja to nikada nisam video u profi košarci, ma kog nivoa.
i would like to talk here about The Last of Us on HBO... and yeah, yeah i know.. the world is burning but lets just all sit and talk about television. again - what else are we doing with ourselves ? we are not creating any militias. but my god we still have the content. appraising content is the american modus vivendi.. that's why we are here for. to absorb the content and then render some sort of a judgment on content. because there is a buried hope that if enough people have the right opinion about the content - the content will get better which will then flow to our structures and make the world a better place
- Posts : 464
Join date : 2014-12-05
Age : 43
- Post n°30
Re: NBA 2024/2025
dal ce denver za jokiceve ere docekati da rezervni centar ne izgleda kao da prvi put uzima loptu u ruke
jbt, koliko ih se do sad izmenjalo i svakom je taj period u denveru bio najlosiji u karijeri
jbt, koliko ih se do sad izmenjalo i svakom je taj period u denveru bio najlosiji u karijeri
- Posts : 848
Join date : 2024-08-22
- Post n°31
Re: NBA 2024/2025
Bugi Kazins je bio odličan, ali im je smetao jer se valjda pokačio sa Bartonom…
- Posts : 464
Join date : 2014-12-05
Age : 43
- Post n°32
Re: NBA 2024/2025
e da, on je bio dobar
ja sam prizeljkivao da ostane, a on tad ode dal u kinu, dal tajvan
jebeni barton
ali kakvi su sve likovi prosli kroz denver poslednjih 5-6 godina i imali ozbiljnu minutazu, neki bili i PO starteri
vecina poput bartona odavno ne da nisu u fokusu, nego nisu ni u ligi
ja sam prizeljkivao da ostane, a on tad ode dal u kinu, dal tajvan
jebeni barton
ali kakvi su sve likovi prosli kroz denver poslednjih 5-6 godina i imali ozbiljnu minutazu, neki bili i PO starteri
vecina poput bartona odavno ne da nisu u fokusu, nego nisu ni u ligi
- Posts : 8530
Join date : 2014-10-28
Location : imamate of futa djallon
- Post n°33
Re: NBA 2024/2025
jeste ali dobio je koliko - 4 ejectiona u 25 utakimica ? pritom ejection u PO gde si ti druze drugi centar, gde MVP treba da odmoričika Condor wrote:Bugi Kazins je bio odličan, ali im je smetao jer se valjda pokačio sa Bartonom…
neka su ga liferovali
i would like to talk here about The Last of Us on HBO... and yeah, yeah i know.. the world is burning but lets just all sit and talk about television. again - what else are we doing with ourselves ? we are not creating any militias. but my god we still have the content. appraising content is the american modus vivendi.. that's why we are here for. to absorb the content and then render some sort of a judgment on content. because there is a buried hope that if enough people have the right opinion about the content - the content will get better which will then flow to our structures and make the world a better place
- Posts : 38259
Join date : 2014-10-27
- Post n°34
Re: NBA 2024/2025
denver za sada jedva play-in tim a toronto i netsi planirano lizu parket u pokusaju da prizovu kupera flega.
And Will's father stood up, stuffed his pipe with tobacco, rummaged his pockets for matches, brought out a battered harmonica, a penknife, a cigarette lighter that wouldn't work, and a memo pad he had always meant to write some great thoughts down on but never got around to, and lined up these weapons for a pygmy war that could be lost before it even started
- Posts : 464
Join date : 2014-12-05
Age : 43
- Post n°35
Re: NBA 2024/2025
edvards u prvoj cetvrtini protiv dalasa 24p, trojke 6/8 i to nakon dva pocetna promasaja
denver od mocnog bruklina primio 40 u prvoj, gube 27:40
denver od mocnog bruklina primio 40 u prvoj, gube 27:40
- Posts : 8530
Join date : 2014-10-28
Location : imamate of futa djallon
- Post n°36
Re: NBA 2024/2025
svi su jezivi. ocekivali su da ce bruklin da igra egzibiciono a Schroeder kao da mu zivot zavisi. MPJ-a u tutkalo
i would like to talk here about The Last of Us on HBO... and yeah, yeah i know.. the world is burning but lets just all sit and talk about television. again - what else are we doing with ourselves ? we are not creating any militias. but my god we still have the content. appraising content is the american modus vivendi.. that's why we are here for. to absorb the content and then render some sort of a judgment on content. because there is a buried hope that if enough people have the right opinion about the content - the content will get better which will then flow to our structures and make the world a better place
- Posts : 464
Join date : 2014-12-05
Age : 43
- Post n°38
Re: NBA 2024/2025
evo vratise se
i u drugoj su bolje zaigrali, al netsima bas svasta ulazilo
ali generalno, bas je mrsavo sve ovo od denvera, morali bi kompletni u ovoj fazi ekipe biti mnogo veci rutineri
i u drugoj su bolje zaigrali, al netsima bas svasta ulazilo
ali generalno, bas je mrsavo sve ovo od denvera, morali bi kompletni u ovoj fazi ekipe biti mnogo veci rutineri
- Posts : 8530
Join date : 2014-10-28
Location : imamate of futa djallon
- Post n°39
Re: NBA 2024/2025
kako me neopisivo nervira westbrook u napadu. kakva su to impulsivna izivljavanja. pogotovo kad izadje jokic pa on pomisli da je sad njegov turn. uospte ta njegova ideja my turn/your turn/his turn basketball-a. uhhhh..
MPJ se konacno probudio ove sezone i odigrao nesto.
MPJ se konacno probudio ove sezone i odigrao nesto.
i would like to talk here about The Last of Us on HBO... and yeah, yeah i know.. the world is burning but lets just all sit and talk about television. again - what else are we doing with ourselves ? we are not creating any militias. but my god we still have the content. appraising content is the american modus vivendi.. that's why we are here for. to absorb the content and then render some sort of a judgment on content. because there is a buried hope that if enough people have the right opinion about the content - the content will get better which will then flow to our structures and make the world a better place
- Posts : 8530
Join date : 2014-10-28
Location : imamate of futa djallon
- Post n°40
Re: NBA 2024/2025
kakvim debilarijama svedocimo... nije predao loptu nikom u napadu ravno 6-7 puta za redom
fuck you Russ & horses you rode in on
fuck you Russ & horses you rode in on
i would like to talk here about The Last of Us on HBO... and yeah, yeah i know.. the world is burning but lets just all sit and talk about television. again - what else are we doing with ourselves ? we are not creating any militias. but my god we still have the content. appraising content is the american modus vivendi.. that's why we are here for. to absorb the content and then render some sort of a judgment on content. because there is a buried hope that if enough people have the right opinion about the content - the content will get better which will then flow to our structures and make the world a better place
- Posts : 848
Join date : 2024-08-22
- Post n°41
Re: NBA 2024/2025
Ipak je Jokara genije ove igre. I, Đakmane, nemaš pojma, Ras je bio odličan. Lud, naravno, ali odličan.
- Posts : 8530
Join date : 2014-10-28
Location : imamate of futa djallon
- Post n°42
Re: NBA 2024/2025
Russel Westbrook je break glass in case of emergency igrac koji treba da ti bude opcija na dnu rotacije i treba povremeno da ga izvuces kao krajnje resenje, da promenis ritam ili u odredjenim specijalima. npr ono juce u 1/4 gde starters izadju na teren kao mrtvi konji pa onda udje Russ i promeni fizionomiju ekipe, povuce ih napred energijom - svaka cast.
ali njegov utility se tu zavrsava. on ne moze da igra 20 minuta by design i da Denver igra dobro pa cak ni u regularnoj sezoni. evo juce je odigrao konsenzusno najbolju utakmicu kao Nugget i koji mu je bio +/- ? 0
ali njegov utility se tu zavrsava. on ne moze da igra 20 minuta by design i da Denver igra dobro pa cak ni u regularnoj sezoni. evo juce je odigrao konsenzusno najbolju utakmicu kao Nugget i koji mu je bio +/- ? 0
i would like to talk here about The Last of Us on HBO... and yeah, yeah i know.. the world is burning but lets just all sit and talk about television. again - what else are we doing with ourselves ? we are not creating any militias. but my god we still have the content. appraising content is the american modus vivendi.. that's why we are here for. to absorb the content and then render some sort of a judgment on content. because there is a buried hope that if enough people have the right opinion about the content - the content will get better which will then flow to our structures and make the world a better place
- Posts : 848
Join date : 2024-08-22
- Post n°43
Re: NBA 2024/2025
Sve što Denver želi je da mu klupa bude na nuli - i puna kapa! Međutim, retko se dešava.
- Posts : 8530
Join date : 2014-10-28
Location : imamate of futa djallon
- Post n°44
Re: NBA 2024/2025
ako mozemo da imamo Russell Westbrook-a bez Russell Westbrook experience-a, to bi bio napredak. ali ovo nije to.
ocu da ga vidim kako se integrise u ekipu
ocu da ga vidim kako se integrise u ekipu
i would like to talk here about The Last of Us on HBO... and yeah, yeah i know.. the world is burning but lets just all sit and talk about television. again - what else are we doing with ourselves ? we are not creating any militias. but my god we still have the content. appraising content is the american modus vivendi.. that's why we are here for. to absorb the content and then render some sort of a judgment on content. because there is a buried hope that if enough people have the right opinion about the content - the content will get better which will then flow to our structures and make the world a better place
- Posts : 848
Join date : 2024-08-22
- Post n°45
Re: NBA 2024/2025
Pa naravno da ne možemo. Nego, eto - ludak. I kao i svi ludaci, nekad koristan, češće nije. Ali je makar živahan u onoj ekipi depresivnih mrguda.
- Posts : 7994
Join date : 2017-03-14
- Post n°46
Re: NBA 2024/2025
ne bih isključio da se Jokić uigra sa njim kao sa Gordonom, mada će to malo teže ići jer je uigravanje malo neobičan koncept za individualca poput njega
- Posts : 464
Join date : 2014-12-05
Age : 43
- Post n°47
Re: NBA 2024/2025
+/- statistika kao i svaka druga cesto moze da ne pokaze nista
medjutim ova gde janis za 34 min ima +/- 0, a ostali clanovi startne petorke milvokija u rasponu -22 do -35 u porazu od memfisa 23 razlike bas dosta govori
lilard je ubacio 4 poena uz 1/12 iz igre
meni je i pre sezone bilo suludo sto ih dosta i dalje vidi kao kontendere, ali ovo sto igraju je bas ispod svakog nivoa
izgledi da janis zavrsi sezonu u baksima su sve manji
medjutim ova gde janis za 34 min ima +/- 0, a ostali clanovi startne petorke milvokija u rasponu -22 do -35 u porazu od memfisa 23 razlike bas dosta govori
lilard je ubacio 4 poena uz 1/12 iz igre
meni je i pre sezone bilo suludo sto ih dosta i dalje vidi kao kontendere, ali ovo sto igraju je bas ispod svakog nivoa
izgledi da janis zavrsi sezonu u baksima su sve manji
- Posts : 464
Join date : 2014-12-05
Age : 43
- Post n°49
Re: NBA 2024/2025
nisam gledao, ali citam komentare, ovo sto kazes da je jokic na kraju u nekoliko situacija zajebao
sta je sa jamalom? povreda neka?
sta je sa jamalom? povreda neka?
- Posts : 38259
Join date : 2014-10-27
- Post n°50
Re: NBA 2024/2025
promasio. nestalo snage. bio inace super i nisu bili losi OSIM dzamala
And Will's father stood up, stuffed his pipe with tobacco, rummaged his pockets for matches, brought out a battered harmonica, a penknife, a cigarette lighter that wouldn't work, and a memo pad he had always meant to write some great thoughts down on but never got around to, and lined up these weapons for a pygmy war that could be lost before it even started