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- Post n°177
Re: Virus
u komentarima se pronicljivci teše kako maske ne rade ili ubijaju ili stiže staljinizam ili wetbacks donose zaraze ili lek su povrće vežbanje i sunčanje ofc potpuno ih podržavam i želim da istraju
The FDNY has ordered all firetruck and ambulance personnel to mask up while rendering patient care due to outbreaks of infectious diseases, The Post has learned.
The department-wide directive, issued Friday, comes amid an increase in COVID-19, flu and respiratory virus cases, officials said.
Effective immediately, all those who provide pre-hospital emergency treatment in NYC must wear a surgical mask, preferably an N95.
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- Post n°178
Re: Virus
evo zašto sveopšti narativ o milom blagom zdravom i dragom kovidiću
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- Post n°179
Re: Virus
kahmThe U.K. Health Security Agency (UKHSA) has declared a national incident over a surge in measles cases across the country.
Measles is a highly contagious disease. In mild cases, symptoms include a rash, high fever and ear infections. But it can also be "a very unpleasant illness," the UKHSA said, leading to hospitalization and death in rare cases. Babies, young children, pregnant women and those with a weakened immune system are most at risk.
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Re: Virus
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- Post n°181
Re: Virus
džaba milion takvih članaka jbg avaxi su emo imbecili šta god one sajkološkinje u potkastu pričale tu samo Časne Verige i Rajska Palija pomažu
With cases rising around the country, and Birmingham Children’s Hospital treating fifty cases in the last month alone, medical professionals are keen to address what they see as the root cause of measles amongst the nation’s children – thick, gullible parents.
Dr Simon Williams told us, “It’s a sad indictment of the nation’s parenting skills that hundreds of thousands of them are too dim to realise they are risking their child’s health by not getting them vaccinated.
“They think they’re doing the right thing because they read a fake news article about vaccines on a website that has the word ‘natural’ in the domain name, or because a disgraced dwarf MP told them vaccinations are evil.
“The real challenge isn’t to get more children vaccinated; it’s to stop more parents being ridiculously gullible online. If we can stop them from believing evidence-free nonsense about vaccines, then children will get vaccinated and avoid illnesses that are not only preventable, but are genuinely life-threatening to some.
“Unfortunately, a lot of them are too stupid to realise just how stupid they are being. There’s very little we can do to help those people, unfortunately.
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- Post n°182
Re: Virus
And Will's father stood up, stuffed his pipe with tobacco, rummaged his pockets for matches, brought out a battered harmonica, a penknife, a cigarette lighter that wouldn't work, and a memo pad he had always meant to write some great thoughts down on but never got around to, and lined up these weapons for a pygmy war that could be lost before it even started
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- Post n°183
Re: Virus
levica je lepo mogla da kapitalizuje na justaflu prevari ali pošto su nedorasli Zadatku odma su zapenili i zabrazdili u Socijalizaciju stanford mančmelou stilom te nastavili da se prave tutavi i mutavi po klasnom pitanju no 1
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- Post n°184
Re: Virus
bgm odlično ide ovo sticanje imuniteta na imunitet
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- Post n°185
Re: Virus
]Feb 13 (Reuters) - The U.S. CDC plans to drop its five-day COVID-19 isolation recommendations under new guidance planned by the agency, the Washington Post reported on Tuesday.
The health agency plans to recommend people who test positive for COVID-19 to take a call on when to end isolation based on their symptoms.
People with mild and improving symptoms would no longer need to stay home if they have been fever-free for at least 24 hours, the report said citing CDC officials familiar with the matter, adding the new recommendations would not apply to hospitals and other health-care settings with more vulnerable populations.
]Feb 13 (Reuters) - The U.S. CDC plans to drop its five-day COVID-19 isolation recommendations under new guidance planned by the agency, the Washington Post reported on Tuesday.
The health agency plans to recommend people who test positive for COVID-19 to take a call on when to end isolation based on their symptoms.
People with mild and improving symptoms would no longer need to stay home if they have been fever-free for at least 24 hours, the report said citing CDC officials familiar with the matter, adding the new recommendations would not apply to hospitals and other health-care settings with more vulnerable populations.
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- Post n°186
Re: Virus
Hans wrote: The U.S. CDC plans to drop its five-day COVID-19 isolation recommendations under new guidance planned by the agency
ako su pod agency mislili delta erlajns ili slična bagra koja zavisi od nabijanja što više stoke u što manje prostore onda su u pravu
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Re: Virus
gloria a cristo
il nuovo corso narrativo degli utili idioti e un miracolo mondiale
il nuovo corso narrativo degli utili idioti e un miracolo mondiale
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- Post n°188
Re: Virus
konjski nil wrote:gloria a cristo
il nuovo corso narrativo degli utili idioti e un miracolo mondiale
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- Post n°189
Re: Virus
Ja sam danas prvi put seo na bicikl posle desetak meseci i izdržao 15km lagane vožnje.
Zapravo drugi put, ako se ne računa pokušaj negde u novembru koji se završio posle nekoliko minuta sa dušom u nosu.
Još me čeka da vidim šta veli kardiolog. Možda mi bicikl nije pametna aktivnost.
Onaj sam koji je dobio kovidčić sa slabim simptomima i kratkog trajanja, a sa KN maskom svuda.
/samo ventiliram frustraciju
Zapravo drugi put, ako se ne računa pokušaj negde u novembru koji se završio posle nekoliko minuta sa dušom u nosu.
Još me čeka da vidim šta veli kardiolog. Možda mi bicikl nije pametna aktivnost.
Onaj sam koji je dobio kovidčić sa slabim simptomima i kratkog trajanja, a sa KN maskom svuda.
/samo ventiliram frustraciju
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- Post n°190
Re: Virus
Hans wrote:
/samo ventiliram frustraciju
Управо је
ordinary maga or krav maga?
не, не представља проблем, него баш јесте проблем.
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- Post n°191
Re: Virus
jbg uvek je moguće da je neki falš u pitanju ili velika koncentracija ali verujem da si je nosio propisno a ne ko ovi szo ekspertiHans wrote:Onaj sam koji je dobio kovidčić sa slabim simptomima i kratkog trajanja, a sa KN maskom svuda.
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- Post n°192
Re: Virus
ok keva bi mogla malo da se počešlja ali opet brrr
A Glasgow woman is raising awareness of a rare condition after covid caused her brain to swell causing psychotic episodes - making her believe her mum was Boris Johnson.
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Re: Virus
propast imunitetlija na svim planovima
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- Post n°195
Re: Virus
sad odjednom nije baš tako nego je baš kako su drugi i govorili da nema nikakvog imuniteta na reinfekcije zbog abnormalnih količina i brzina evolutivnih mutacija + neki bonusi jelmoja pokojna baba wrote:e pa nema drugog načina za sticanje imuniteta osim tog
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- Post n°196
Re: Virus
malo je poznato da sam blagovremeno odustao od muzičke Karijere iako sam imao i neke ponude iz inostranstva da postanem slavan a za bogatstvo ćemo vidit
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- Post n°197
Re: Virus
mora da je neki cold u pitanju npr coldvid-19
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- Post n°198
Re: Virus
ofc najgrlatiji ljubitelji radničkih prava sjw puvalići će i dalje glupo šutit jer pred sobom imaju realno najveći klasni problem današnjice pa bi u protivnom morali da se ponašaju odgovorno solidarno i vojnički disciplinovano tj kao odrasle osobe a to je već preveliko cimanje smaranje i akanje bolje verovat vučiću i bajdenu da je gotovo i hrlit u ivente hepeninge spektakle i senzacije da bi se imalo o čemu prdit dokono dok kapital zadovoljno trlja ruke
CDC Drops Five Day Covid-19 Isolation Despite Controversy
Judy Stone Senior Contributor
I am an Infectious Disease specialist and author of Resilience: One Family's Story of Hope and Triumph over Evil and of Conducting Clinical Research, the essential guide to the topic
Mar 1, 2024,05:26pm EST
Oregon and California recently lowered isolation guidelines from five days to only one day if symptoms had improved and the person hadn’t had a fever for 24 hours. The CDC is now following suit. They suggest that people continue wearing masks for five days after resuming normal activities.
- Spoiler:
The initial isolation for Covid-19 was ten days. This was lowered to 5 days in December 2021 after the Delta Airlines CEO complained about disruptions in airline services. Dr. Lucky Tran, a science communicator at Columbia University, says, “The changes in the CDC guidelines [now] are really a result of political and corporate pressure. It's a dangerous change that goes against the science, encourages disease spread, and prioritizes corporate interests, making it easier to exploit workers.”
The CDC says, “While every respiratory virus does not act the same, adopting a unified approach to limiting disease spread makes recommendations easier to follow.”
This is likely true, and it eliminates the need for testing for specific respiratory viruses, which is important since tests are expensive and not readily available for RSV in the U.S. However, Covid-19 is not like RSV or influenza, particularly given the long-term organ damage caused by the SARS2-CoV virus. That issue is not addressed by the CDC.
Proponents of the change argue that “we are in a better place,” with much of the population having some immunity from vaccination or prior infection. They also note we have antivirals available. Clearly, immunity is not long-lasting for many, given the number of people reporting recurrent Covid infections, and recurrent infection is considered a substantial risk for long Covid. Partial immunity from vaccinations has markedly reduced the risk of death from Covid-19.
Yes, fewer people are dying from Covid-19—but as of early February, there were still 2000 deaths per week and almost 20,000 people needing hospitalization.
One of CDC’s arguments for reducing isolation is to “meet people where they’re at” and that most of the public objects to masking and isolation. Another is that many infections are transmitted by asymptomatic people.
In terms of this sort of nonchalance, Dr. Jonathan Howard, a New York City psychiatrist, has written about this attitude in We Want Them Infected. Howard explained, “Almost immediately after vaccines arrived at the end of 2020, several prominent doctors from UCSF and Stanford began spreading the message that the pandemic was over, that variants were nothing to "panic" about, that herd immunity was at hand, and that vaccines both stopped viral transmission and essentially eliminated severe COVID outcomes.” Howard added that their innumerable media appearances “certainly contributed to the high level of complacency we see about a virus that is currently killing around 2,000 Americans every week.”
Transmission risk
People can’t judge whether they are infectious or not. Fever is not a good barometer for Covid-19. While most transmission occurs early in the illness, 20 to 40% of people can still transmit COVID after five days, and some even longer. That’s why many experts, such as Boston immunologist Michael Mina, have recommended serial Rapid Antigen Tests to stop isolation. If you have a positive RAT, you can transmit infection. Some people test positive for even two weeks, and occasionally even longer if immunocompromised.
In terms of the availability of treatments, Evushield is no longer effective.
Paxlovid is difficult for many to obtain and is underprescribed, given to only 9.7% of those eligible for treatment in a study of more than 1 million health records. It is also now prohibitively expensive for many.
Organ Damage From Covid
The CDC and proponents of reducing isolation don’t mention one critical point—the tissue damage from Covid-19. Ziyad Al-Aly, a long Covid expert at the VA St. Louis Health Care System, had an article in The Conversation this week reviewing the toll of infection on brain health. Sequelae included an increased risk of cognitive deficits. Even with a mild infection, there was evidence that brain cells’ ability to regenerate was impaired. Another new review of infection in those older than 60 found a significant risk of new-onset dementia in those post-Covid. In a new New England Journal of Medicine study, there was a decrease of “only” 3 points in IQ following Covid. While that doesn’t sound like much, Al-Aly estimates “that a three-point downward shift in IQ would increase the number of U.S. adults with an IQ less than 70 from 4.7 million to 7.5 million – an increase of 2.8 million adults with a level of cognitive impairment that requires significant societal support.”
The CDC stresses that rates of long Covid are less than previously and are now down to 3.4%. Tran notes that “Because the virus is so contagious, even if a small percentage of people develop long term [Covid] then there are significant increases in things like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, neurological symptoms. That's a huge increase in the burden of public health.”
Major pushback against reducing isolation relates to pressure on employees to return to work despite feeling poorly.
Noha Aboelata, M.D., CEO of Roots Community Health Center, hypothesized that a major driver is “worker shortages in several industries, including bus drivers, teachers, and health care providers.” She criticized the policy on X (formerly Twitter), saying it is “Promoting reckless disregard for everyone.“ She continued, “The message: Presenteeism is encouraged. You don't deserve to rest & fully recover. You shouldn't care about the well-being of those around you, or even your own.” She expressed concern that “these types of policies are going to disproportionately impact folks who use public transportation, who live in crowded intergenerational housing, who don't have time from work.” Covid is “no longer considered something that you should use sick time for,” she added.
Tran concurs, adding, “The CDC guidance isn’t telling people to adequately isolate in a way that prevents the spread of COVID. That's going to cause frontline workers and marginalized people to be at a lot more risk.
They, and others, say the problem will only be adequately addressed if there is guaranteed sick leave and pay.
The World Health Network has filed a formal complaint against the California Dept of Public Health and Cal OSHA for reducing the isolation guidance without public comment. Others might follow with complaints against the CDC.
National Nurses United wrote to CDC Director Cohen last week “warning the CDC not to relax Covid isolation guidance. Nurses are disheartened to once again see the CDC weakening protections for public health, which will mean more transmission, illness, hospitalizations, and cases of long Covid. Today’s update comes on the heels of other work to relax infectious disease protections at the CDC—late last year, the CDC’s Healthcare Infection Control Practice Advisory Committee (HICPAC) drafted infection control guidance updates that proposed to lump Covid with other respiratory viruses and set the stage to weaken CDC’s personal protective equipment (PPE) guidance for health care workers.” Jane Thomason, industrial hygienest for NNU, concluded, “It is vital that nurses’ health and safety be protected so that they can care for their patients, especially due to the staffing crisis that many hospitals face.”
Some are suggesting calling the CDC at 800-232-4636 to comment. Others recommend calling your representatives (202 224-3121) and the White House at 202 455-1414.
A protest will also be happening in D.C. on March 15, opposing this decision and asking for more support and action on long Covid.
Further information about proposed changes for hospital infection control through the HICPAC committee are pending.
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- Post n°199
Re: Virus
in other news ko bi reko da je izolacija zdravija od skupljanja sojeva u album sa sličicama
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- Post n°200
Re: Virus
maskirani dušmanin kovida se ne žali na ovakve problemčiće jer je sposoban za adaptaciju
Mystery virus 'worse than Covid' affecting young adults in Swindon
A particularly nasty infection doing the rounds in Swindon is leading to otherwise-healthy young people needing extra oxygen.
“Almost everyone I’ve spoken to – from out-of-hours GPs, paramedics, and hospital staff have said there’s something going around that’s affecting young people.
“The first nurse who treated my partner said she had never seen so many healthy young people getting admitted with viruses and temperatures, and nothing they’re doing is working.”
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