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vendetaške maske su izmišljotina američke it firme anonymous kako bi debilana imala iluziju slobode govora
čru Pokret Otpora nosi kn95 i ne jebe živu silu
New Zealand and Australian health experts are advising people to wear masks as both countries mark an increase in COVID-19 cases and hospitalisations ahead of the summer holidays.
In a statement, Australia's New South Wales health ministry said there'd been a "moderate" rise in COVID-19 activity, including the number of people presenting to emergency departments.
"Consider wearing a mask in crowded indoor areas and be kind to people who choose to wear a mask," NSW Health said on X.
Can’t Think, Can’t Remember: More Americans Say They’re in a Cognitive Fog
Adults in their 20s, 30s and 40s are driving the trend. Researchers point to long Covid as a major cause.
OP @ sled tvit wrote:Apparently losing most of the hair on one’s head from a virus *still* isn’t enough to get some people to wear a mask to avoid getting that still rampant virus again. I CANT UNDERSTAND HOW WE EVER WILL GET OUT OF THIS MESS.
Got a head cold, got a chest cold
And it's three days old
Goin' on forever
Make you hazy, make you lazy
Drive you crazy
For days and days and days and days and days and years
Health officials and travel industry experts in Japan have insisted a plan requiring arrivals from mainland China and five other Asian countries to test negative for tuberculosis before being granted a visa for stays of three months or more is “legitimate and reasonable".
BREAKING: The World Health Organization asked China for more data on a respiratory illness spreading in the country's north
— The Spectator Index (@spectatorindex) November 23, 2023
trebalo je davno da steknete poverenje u svaki moj Harageikonjski nil wrote:krenem da naručim neke šarene pederske maske
One Eyed Bob wrote:Idem po kvasac.
che parole straordinarie di un ragazzo molto intelligentekonjski nil wrote:msm da će Promena biti 1 hiperkapitalizam s uv lampama filterima maskama suplementima testovima 3x dnevno i 16 h smenama da se nadoknade nevalidni koji će u sojlent za radničku menzuMór Thököly wrote:Ali K.Nile, samo da ti kazem - mozemo ovako i mozemo da uvedemo neku vrstu socijalizma. Treceg nema.
kako se budu množila priznanja uticajnih Normona da su ispali belolistićari Promena će biti sve silovitija i nezaustavljivija
The dangerous illness is taking down children and emptying out schools across China as worrying echos of the Covid outbreak are being reported.Doctors have been left overwhelmed with thousands of calls from worried parents trying to book emergency appointments.Beijing has told the World Health Organisation (WHO) that the increase in cases of people with flu like symptoms is down to a new winter bug that has taken over due to Covid lowering immunity to common viruses.
Ali, neobično da je mikroplazna pneumonija krenula još u maju, a ostale u oktobru. To se objašnjava time što su nekoliko godina bile stroge mere protiv širenja kovida i nekoliko generacija najmlađih nisu došli u kontakt sa ovim agensima. Sada kada su mere ukinute oboljevaju oni koji nemaju imunitet. To je sasvim očekivan događaj – kaže dr Nebojša Bohucki