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    WC2022 - Qatar

    fikret selimbašić

    Posts : 10148
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    WC2022 - Qatar - Page 27 Empty Re: WC2022 - Qatar

    Post by fikret selimbašić Thu Dec 01, 2022 5:37 pm

    Daï Djakman Faré wrote:ovo je bio cist gol za kanadu. vecina lopte je preko linije. otkad treba lopta da predje liniju celim obimom ?

    Oduvijek, valjda.

    Međuopštinski pustolov.

    Zli stolar.
    Daï Djakman Faré

    Posts : 8227
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    Location : imamate of futa djallon

    WC2022 - Qatar - Page 27 Empty Re: WC2022 - Qatar

    Post by Daï Djakman Faré Thu Dec 01, 2022 5:42 pm

    pa oduvek je bilo precnikom, a ne obimom

    i would like to talk here about The Last of Us on HBO... and yeah, yeah i know.. the world is burning but lets just all sit and talk about television. again - what else are we doing with ourselves ? we are not creating any militias. but my god we still have the content. appraising content is the american modus vivendi.. that's why we are here for. to absorb the content and then render some sort of a judgment on content. because there is a buried hope that if enough people have the right opinion about the content - the content will get better which will then flow to our structures and make the world a better place
    Uncle Baby Billy

    Posts : 3344
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    WC2022 - Qatar - Page 27 Empty Re: WC2022 - Qatar

    Post by Uncle Baby Billy Thu Dec 01, 2022 5:48 pm

    kako da pređe celim prečnikom a da ne pređe celim obimom?
    cela lopta oduvek.

    ja se rukovodim logikom gvozdenih determinizama

    Posts : 35304
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    WC2022 - Qatar - Page 27 Empty Re: WC2022 - Qatar

    Post by ficfiric Thu Dec 01, 2022 5:51 pm

    Ali kakvim tonom prenosi utakmicu Aca Stojanovic. Kao Ceda Jovanovic kad napravi sranje pa na smiricima dodje na televiziju da objasni sta se desilo.


    Uprava napolje!

    Uncle Baby Billy

    Posts : 3344
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    WC2022 - Qatar - Page 27 Empty Re: WC2022 - Qatar

    Post by Uncle Baby Billy Thu Dec 01, 2022 5:53 pm

    sa kim se ukršta ova grupa? sa Španijom?

    ja se rukovodim logikom gvozdenih determinizama
    fikret selimbašić

    Posts : 10148
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    WC2022 - Qatar - Page 27 Empty Re: WC2022 - Qatar

    Post by fikret selimbašić Thu Dec 01, 2022 5:54 pm

    Uncle Baby Billy wrote:sa kim se ukršta ova grupa? sa Španijom?

    Ide Hrvatska na Španiju.

    Međuopštinski pustolov.

    Zli stolar.
    Ferenc Puskás

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    WC2022 - Qatar - Page 27 Empty Re: WC2022 - Qatar

    Post by Ferenc Puskás Thu Dec 01, 2022 5:55 pm

    Uncle Baby Billy wrote:danas svi komentarišu fudbal... evo i ovde tome svedočimo...
    Mundijal je, neka hi. 
    Daï Djakman Faré wrote:ovo je bio cist gol za kanadu. vecina lopte je preko linije. otkad treba lopta da predje liniju celim obimom ?
    Ne napuštaj internet, mundijal je.

    Ha rendelkezésre áll a szükséges pénz, a vége általában jó.
    fikret selimbašić

    Posts : 10148
    Join date : 2020-06-19

    WC2022 - Qatar - Page 27 Empty Re: WC2022 - Qatar

    Post by fikret selimbašić Thu Dec 01, 2022 5:56 pm

    Aca baš sjebo grlo, sa velikim mukama je izgurao do kraja, ne vjerujem da će do sutra da oporavi glas,

    Međuopštinski pustolov.

    Zli stolar.
    Daï Djakman Faré

    Posts : 8227
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    Location : imamate of futa djallon

    WC2022 - Qatar - Page 27 Empty Re: WC2022 - Qatar

    Post by Daï Djakman Faré Thu Dec 01, 2022 5:58 pm

    Uncle Baby Billy wrote:kako da pređe celim prečnikom a da ne pređe celim obimom?
    cela lopta oduvek.
    pa tako sto je precnik polovina lopte a obim cela lopta. 

    inace jeste cela lopta WC2022 - Qatar - Page 27 2729202060

    i would like to talk here about The Last of Us on HBO... and yeah, yeah i know.. the world is burning but lets just all sit and talk about television. again - what else are we doing with ourselves ? we are not creating any militias. but my god we still have the content. appraising content is the american modus vivendi.. that's why we are here for. to absorb the content and then render some sort of a judgment on content. because there is a buried hope that if enough people have the right opinion about the content - the content will get better which will then flow to our structures and make the world a better place
    fikret selimbašić

    Posts : 10148
    Join date : 2020-06-19

    WC2022 - Qatar - Page 27 Empty Re: WC2022 - Qatar

    Post by fikret selimbašić Thu Dec 01, 2022 6:01 pm

    Trznu se malo Belgija pred kraj, popravi generalni utisak ali nedovoljno, prolaz ionako nisu zaslužili, previše im je i pobjeda nad Kanadom. Dobra Hrvatska, par manjih grešaka pred kraj ali uvijek se neko nađe da ispravi i spriječi belaj, par puta im je u tim situacijama pomogao i Lukaku.

    Međuopštinski pustolov.

    Zli stolar.
    fikret selimbašić

    Posts : 10148
    Join date : 2020-06-19

    WC2022 - Qatar - Page 27 Empty Re: WC2022 - Qatar

    Post by fikret selimbašić Thu Dec 01, 2022 6:02 pm

    Daï Djakman Faré wrote:
    Uncle Baby Billy wrote:kako da pređe celim prečnikom a da ne pređe celim obimom?
    cela lopta oduvek.
    pa tako sto je precnik polovina lopte a obim cela lopta. 

    inace jeste cela lopta WC2022 - Qatar - Page 27 2729202060

    Zar to nije poluprečnik?

    Međuopštinski pustolov.

    Zli stolar.

    Posts : 35304
    Join date : 2012-02-10

    WC2022 - Qatar - Page 27 Empty Re: WC2022 - Qatar

    Post by ficfiric Thu Dec 01, 2022 6:04 pm

    fikret selimbašić wrote:Aca baš sjebo grlo, sa velikim mukama je izgurao do kraja, ne vjerujem da će do sutra da oporavi glas,

    Sutra ce da jodluje


    Uprava napolje!

    Daï Djakman Faré

    Posts : 8227
    Join date : 2014-10-28
    Location : imamate of futa djallon

    WC2022 - Qatar - Page 27 Empty Re: WC2022 - Qatar

    Post by Daï Djakman Faré Thu Dec 01, 2022 6:09 pm

    proso je veci deo prvenstva ja mogu da se pohvalim da nisam cuo acin glas nijednom. zapravo ni srpskohrvatski glas osim komentatora sa arene kada igra srbija. na https://aliez.tv/ je kontinentalni spanski prenos i strucni konsultant je uglavnom zubizareta  WC2022 - Qatar - Page 27 1233199462

    i would like to talk here about The Last of Us on HBO... and yeah, yeah i know.. the world is burning but lets just all sit and talk about television. again - what else are we doing with ourselves ? we are not creating any militias. but my god we still have the content. appraising content is the american modus vivendi.. that's why we are here for. to absorb the content and then render some sort of a judgment on content. because there is a buried hope that if enough people have the right opinion about the content - the content will get better which will then flow to our structures and make the world a better place
    Uncle Baby Billy

    Posts : 3344
    Join date : 2021-09-13

    WC2022 - Qatar - Page 27 Empty Re: WC2022 - Qatar

    Post by Uncle Baby Billy Thu Dec 01, 2022 6:30 pm

    Daï Djakman Faré wrote:
    Uncle Baby Billy wrote:kako da pređe celim prečnikom a da ne pređe celim obimom?
    cela lopta oduvek.
    pa tako sto je precnik polovina lopte a obim cela lopta. 

    inace jeste cela lopta WC2022 - Qatar - Page 27 2729202060

    ne bre, misliš na poluprečnik WC2022 - Qatar - Page 27 1233199462

    ja se rukovodim logikom gvozdenih determinizama

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    WC2022 - Qatar - Page 27 Empty Re: WC2022 - Qatar

    Post by Zus Thu Dec 01, 2022 6:45 pm

    Sad vratio 2.polUvreme hrvatska Belgija. 
    Šta je Lukaku promašio, ja ne verujem.
    Al neka su Belgijanci ispali

    Alez Makoko
    Daï Djakman Faré

    Posts : 8227
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    Location : imamate of futa djallon

    WC2022 - Qatar - Page 27 Empty Re: WC2022 - Qatar

    Post by Daï Djakman Faré Thu Dec 01, 2022 6:57 pm

    aman ljudi, izguglajte sta je poluprecnik.

    ja sam izguglao goal line rules i mozete i vi poluprecnik. samo napred WC2022 - Qatar - Page 27 1233199462

    i would like to talk here about The Last of Us on HBO... and yeah, yeah i know.. the world is burning but lets just all sit and talk about television. again - what else are we doing with ourselves ? we are not creating any militias. but my god we still have the content. appraising content is the american modus vivendi.. that's why we are here for. to absorb the content and then render some sort of a judgment on content. because there is a buried hope that if enough people have the right opinion about the content - the content will get better which will then flow to our structures and make the world a better place

    Posts : 5823
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    WC2022 - Qatar - Page 27 Empty Re: WC2022 - Qatar

    Post by kapetanm Thu Dec 01, 2022 7:29 pm

    Ej bre današnje školstvo.
    Uncle Baby Billy

    Posts : 3344
    Join date : 2021-09-13

    WC2022 - Qatar - Page 27 Empty Re: WC2022 - Qatar

    Post by Uncle Baby Billy Thu Dec 01, 2022 7:31 pm

    a jbt ne moram da guglam šta je poluprečnik. duž koja povezuje centar sa ivicom, tj. spoljnom površinom u slučaju lopte. prečnik povezuje dve ivice (da se tako izrazim) i prolazi kroz centar. prečnik nikako nije "polovina lopte". ako je lopta celim prečnikom prešla gol liniju, onda ništa od lopte ne preostaje sa druge strane linije. da pređe poluprečnikom dovoljno je da jednom polovinom do centra pređe gol liniju, a da druga ostane sa druge strane. zato je POLUprečnik ffs.

    ja se rukovodim logikom gvozdenih determinizama
    fikret selimbašić

    Posts : 10148
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    WC2022 - Qatar - Page 27 Empty Re: WC2022 - Qatar

    Post by fikret selimbašić Thu Dec 01, 2022 7:32 pm

    Neću da guglam*, ja imam strah od matematike i samo moje pominjanje nekog matematičkog pojma, makar i na forumu, mi je već zalazak u nepoznato i opasno. U svakom slučaju, još od priče o Hurstovom golu Nijemcima '66. znam za pravilo da lopta kompletna lopta mora da prijeđe liniju da bi gol bio priznat.

    WC2022 - Qatar - Page 27 Kreis

    M = Središte r = Poluprečnik d = Prečnik.

    *Evo, preuzeo sam rizik i zaputio sam se u nepoznato i opasno. Ovako je i kod mene bilo u udžbeniku a ovako mi je i u životu.

    Međuopštinski pustolov.

    Zli stolar.
    Vilmos Tehenészfiú

    Posts : 7414
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    WC2022 - Qatar - Page 27 Empty Re: WC2022 - Qatar

    Post by Vilmos Tehenészfiú Thu Dec 01, 2022 8:04 pm

    Inžinjeri i matematičari vas gledaju.

    "Burundi je svakako sharmantno mesto cinika i knjiskih ljudi koji gledaju stvar sa svog olimpa od kartona."

    “Here he was then, cruising the deserts of Mexico in my Ford Torino with my wife and my credit cards and his black-tongued dog. He had a chow dog that went everywhere with him, to the post office and ball games, and now that red beast was making free with his lion feet on my Torino seats.”

    Posts : 35304
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    WC2022 - Qatar - Page 27 Empty Re: WC2022 - Qatar

    Post by ficfiric Thu Dec 01, 2022 8:06 pm

    Uncle Baby Billy wrote:duž koja povezuje centar sa ivicom

    Ivica na lopti? UBB, vidimo se u avgustu, evo tebi keca, jarane

    WC2022 - Qatar - Page 27 Stalin-Image


    Uprava napolje!

    Uncle Baby Billy

    Posts : 3344
    Join date : 2021-09-13

    WC2022 - Qatar - Page 27 Empty Re: WC2022 - Qatar

    Post by Uncle Baby Billy Thu Dec 01, 2022 8:15 pm

    WC2022 - Qatar - Page 27 3363120308

    ali nas'nice, dodao sam šta je u slučaju lopte!

    ja se rukovodim logikom gvozdenih determinizama
    Uncle Baby Billy

    Posts : 3344
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    WC2022 - Qatar - Page 27 Empty Re: WC2022 - Qatar

    Post by Uncle Baby Billy Thu Dec 01, 2022 8:16 pm

    Vilmos Tehenészfiú wrote:Inžinjeri i matematičari vas gledaju.
    ne gledajte ako boga znate nego podučavajte

    ja se rukovodim logikom gvozdenih determinizama

    Posts : 35304
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    WC2022 - Qatar - Page 27 Empty Re: WC2022 - Qatar

    Post by ficfiric Thu Dec 01, 2022 8:25 pm

    Precnik je najvece rastojanje dva temena u lopti, tj. ona duz koja prolazi kroz centar. Inace, lopta treba da predje celim precnikom, i to onim koji je normalan na gol liniju i lezi u ravni paralelnoj terenu WC2022 - Qatar - Page 27 1844795956

    Drugim recima, kad puste na tv-u onaj snimak odgore, lopta ne sme da kaci liniju, cela mora da bude unutra. Zasto nije dovoljno da predje samo pola? Verovatno da ne bismo gledali scene:
    - Jeste, presla pola
    - Nije to polovina, preslo je manje od pola
    - Jeste vise od pola, jasno se videlo
    - E, bas nije
    - E, bas jeste
    - Pusi kurac (uzima loptu, ide kuci)

    Last edited by ficfiric on Thu Dec 01, 2022 8:33 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Uprava napolje!

    Uncle Baby Billy

    Posts : 3344
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    WC2022 - Qatar - Page 27 Empty Re: WC2022 - Qatar

    Post by Uncle Baby Billy Thu Dec 01, 2022 8:30 pm

    otkud lopti temena WC2022 - Qatar - Page 27 2304934895

    ja se rukovodim logikom gvozdenih determinizama

    WC2022 - Qatar - Page 27 Empty Re: WC2022 - Qatar

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