Морају да набаве још тестова, без тога нема вајде.
- Posts : 52531
Join date : 2017-11-16
- Post n°977
Re: Virus
Sotir wrote:Морају да набаве још тестова, без тога нема вајде.
Apsolutno. Bez toga ce se desiti da nema nema, pa odjednom 50 umrlih. Pa 150. Moraju da kupe testove.
- Guest
- Post n°979
Re: Virus
Javnost je odnosom prema migrantima samu sebe pripremila na ovo. Gledam sa mizantropskim zanimanjem.
- Posts : 52531
Join date : 2017-11-16
- Post n°980
Re: Virus
Dobro, ali odnos nase javnosti prema migrantima ni izbliza nije bio tako los kao drugde. Mi sad imamo situaciju u kojoj neko nece moci da ostane tamo gde je (Malta npr) a nece moci da se vrati kuci. Zapadne zemlje salju avione na kraj sveta da bi doveli kuci svoje drzavljane. I sve je to rezultat toga sto uopste nemamo dovoljno testova.
- Guest
- Post n°981
Re: Virus
Sve tačno (i naravno da čovek uvek mora da ima pravo da se vrati u svoju zemlju) samo ne mogu da ne primetim kako lako su, za jedan dan, migrantima skinuli metu sa čela i stavili je pravoslavnim Srbima.
- Posts : 28265
Join date : 2015-03-20
- Post n°982
Re: Virus
Дакле, волео бих да се ЈСД Партизан угаси, али не и да сви (или било који) гробар умре.
- Posts : 28265
Join date : 2015-03-20
- Post n°983
Re: Virus
Papa Lazarou wrote:Sve tačno (i naravno da čovek uvek mora da ima pravo da se vrati u svoju zemlju) samo ne mogu da ne primetim kako lako su, za jedan dan, migrantima skinuli metu sa čela i stavili je pravoslavnim Srbima.
ne brini, bihalji iz dubine MUP-ove (usrane) bulje seiri na snimkom navodnog "hapsenja" migranata u jednoj organizaciji. skoro 300 lajkova. sacekajmo prvog pozitivnog, za sada je sve OK, 2 negativna testa.
Дакле, волео бих да се ЈСД Партизан угаси, али не и да сви (или било који) гробар умре.
- Posts : 52531
Join date : 2017-11-16
- Post n°984
Re: Virus
Sa testovima fejlujemo big time. Bolest je takva da ne krece naglo. Bice slucajeva kao onaj u Puli mnogo.
danas je vec novih 15, znaci do kraja dana bice minimum novih 25 u odnosu na jucerasnjih 103. Povecanje od 21%. Ako ne bude gore
danas je vec novih 15, znaci do kraja dana bice minimum novih 25 u odnosu na jucerasnjih 103. Povecanje od 21%. Ako ne bude gore
- Posts : 28265
Join date : 2015-03-20
- Post n°985
Re: Virus
izvinite što trolujem ali ovo je SMEŠNO
Policijski čas pic.twitter.com/pc9rCLerMy
— Miki Marjanovic (@miki_marjanovic) March 20, 2020
Дакле, волео бих да се ЈСД Партизан угаси, али не и да сви (или било који) гробар умре.
- Posts : 4503
Join date : 2016-09-29
- Post n°986
Re: Virus
evo linkova da imate cime da se bavite u slucaju potpune zabrane izlaska izkuce
Pozdrav svima :grin:
Ukoliko nekoga zanimaju podaci i vizualizacije vezane za Corona virus, eto nekoliko zanimljivih linkova ( ukoliko i vi imate koji link da dodate, slobodno to učinite u komentarima :grin:):
Najrelevantnije podatke možeš naći na Johns Hopkins University GitHub:
Čak su i odličnu vizualizaciju napravili:
Ali i NYTimes ima odličan članak, gde postoji odlična vizualizacija koja ukazuje na pikove u raznim zemljama i baš je juče osvežena:
Ima i Tableau odličnih vizualizacija gde se po zemljama može filtrirati i posmatrati trendovi, ali eto jednog koji je meni zanimljiv:
Nadam se da će i vam nešto od ovoga biti korisno i zanimljivo :grin:
Pozdrav svima :grin:
Ukoliko nekoga zanimaju podaci i vizualizacije vezane za Corona virus, eto nekoliko zanimljivih linkova ( ukoliko i vi imate koji link da dodate, slobodno to učinite u komentarima :grin:):
Najrelevantnije podatke možeš naći na Johns Hopkins University GitHub:
Čak su i odličnu vizualizaciju napravili:
Ali i NYTimes ima odličan članak, gde postoji odlična vizualizacija koja ukazuje na pikove u raznim zemljama i baš je juče osvežena:
Ima i Tableau odličnih vizualizacija gde se po zemljama može filtrirati i posmatrati trendovi, ali eto jednog koji je meni zanimljiv:
Nadam se da će i vam nešto od ovoga biti korisno i zanimljivo :grin:
THE space age is upon us. Rockets are leaving our globe at
speeds unheard of only a few years ago, to orbit earth, moon, and
sun. People have visited the moon, we have sent space probes to
all but one of the planets, and words like "orbit" and "satellite" are
picked up by children in the nursery.
- Posts : 37657
Join date : 2014-10-27
- Post n°987
Re: Virus
German laboratories are now conducting about 160,000 coronavirus tests every week — more than some European countries have carried out in total since the crisis started."
We *don't* fully know why Germany so far has this big gap between a large number of infections and a small number of fatalities.
One factor might be widespread testing and tracing - and social distancing - helping to have kept transmission away from those most at risk. One thing for sure - testing is crucial.
"Another factor that may help explain the variance is the unusually high number of tests being carried out in Germany. According to Lothar Wieler, the president of the Robert Koch Institute, German laboratories are now conducting about 160,000 coronavirus tests every week — more than some European countries have carried out in total since the crisis started. Even South Korea, which is conducting 15,000 tests a day and has been held up by virologists as an example to follow, appears to be testing less than Germany.
We *don't* fully know why Germany so far has this big gap between a large number of infections and a small number of fatalities.
One factor might be widespread testing and tracing - and social distancing - helping to have kept transmission away from those most at risk. One thing for sure - testing is crucial.
"Another factor that may help explain the variance is the unusually high number of tests being carried out in Germany. According to Lothar Wieler, the president of the Robert Koch Institute, German laboratories are now conducting about 160,000 coronavirus tests every week — more than some European countries have carried out in total since the crisis started. Even South Korea, which is conducting 15,000 tests a day and has been held up by virologists as an example to follow, appears to be testing less than Germany.
And Will's father stood up, stuffed his pipe with tobacco, rummaged his pockets for matches, brought out a battered harmonica, a penknife, a cigarette lighter that wouldn't work, and a memo pad he had always meant to write some great thoughts down on but never got around to, and lined up these weapons for a pygmy war that could be lost before it even started
- Posts : 10317
Join date : 2012-02-10
- Post n°988
Re: Virus
Ne znam, meni sve ove brojke koje objavljuju Nemci deluju jako čudno. Kako sad obavljaju 160.000 testova nedeljno?
- Guest
- Post n°989
Re: Virus
Why here?
A first-hand account of the COVID-19 losses from Bergamo, Italy
Paolo Barcella
19 March 2020
Not only the infected are in danger, hospitals don’t have capacity to deal with other emergencies either. Caskets are piling up as the cemetery cannot keep up with the number of deaths every day. From social workers to friars to cleaning staff, everyone who serves the sick are at risk at the epicentre of the contagion in Bergamo province.
I live in the epicentre of the contagion, a few kilometres from Alzano’s hospital, the heart of this disaster for Bergamo province. According to major of Bergamo, Giorgio Gori, there are way more deaths than the official counts, because not everyone who recently died had been swab-tested. Indeed, already on March 8, city hospitals started having issues admitting those in need, therefore some have to stay home and cure the disease on their own as long as they can. There are so many dead that the Bergamo crematorium cannot handle the pressure, and they run out of urns. The father of a friend of mine died 13 March and the cremation is planned for 23 March. Today it takes 10 days or more to cremate a deceased, with the crematorium working non-stop. Caskets stay in the houses for days because funeral parlours and the cemetery are at their limit. At the Bergamo graveyard, caskets are stockpiling and are all over the place.
In the last five days, more people have died than usually die in weeks. In Nembro, a city of little more than eleven thousand residents, 90 people have died in the last twenty days. The local retirement home is emptying out strikingly fast. In the valley some of the towns’ churches’ bells do not toll for the dead anymore, otherwise, they would have to do so without interruption. Bells toll once a day, sort as a forfeit, for the dead of the previous day. Many die not of the virus but because doctors cannot handle emergencies anymore. If you have a heart attack here, today, you have to wait, even if you have no time. Those who die, do not get a proper funeral.
Bergamo has become the ‘entrance’ to Italy, thanks to an airport that, with low-cost flights, brings a huge amount of tourists, a magnitude of mobility one couldn’t have even imagined a few years ago. It produces euro millions in revenue for satellite activities and creates millions of contacts. After the 2007/08 crisis, this airport sustained the touristic boom for Bergamo.
Seriana valley, the wider area of Bergamo is not only densely populated but also one of the most productive areas in Europe, so much so that the lockdown was unthinkable for fears of an economic disaster. Alzano’s major Bertocchi said already in early March that a red area will cause immeasurable damages. There are hundreds of factories in this valley, employing people from all over the province. The train to the valley stops about ten times between Albino, Nembro, Alzano (the cities at the heart of this disaster), with thousands of students and workers riding daily. Up until very recently, the train must have heavily contributed to the spread of the contagion. It is an ‘aging valley’, much like the province in general, with more elderly than the national average, in part due to the regional economy.
Many over 65 do not think of themselves as seniors, and hence vulnerable; probably because until twenty days ago many of them were supporting themselves and their families as well. Many are retired homeowners who watch the grandnephews, help their children in times of need, run errands for them, hoping to buy them a house with their life savings. They are healthy, thanks to the best healthcare system of the area. They are ‘youthful’: they hike in the mountains, go to the seaside, living capable lives.
Now their reality turned upside down: above the age of 65 they can be quickly nailed to bed with high temperature for 8-10 days, sometimes attached to a ventilator, and in some cases they go straight to the cemetery, queueing up at the crematorium. Many of the elderly, however, cannot fathom this. They are in the streets, more than young people, even now, despite the daily losses.
In the last few days ambulance runs have decreased, they cannot pick up patients that the hospital cannot accept any more of them. Most residents of the province count two or more deaths a day in friends or family circles. The psychological impact is devastating.
Doctors and nurses risk their lives on the service. Last Sunday saw the first deceased first responder. The following day, an obstetrician aged 58 died in Alzano, after taking care of her mother, killed by the coronavirus as well. It is not only the medical and nursing personnel to be exhausted and staggering. It’s getting worse for low-income professionals like educators and social workers too.
Some friars of Patronato San Vincenzo, servicing the homeless around the train station, have tested positive. Cleaning personnel are also at risk, many of them immigrants, at the forefront in clinics, hospitals and nursing homes, employed by unions. And yet, they keep up the work, either because they have to or because they treat it as public service.
A Bosnian resident of the area, now in his seventies, was in Sarajevo during the siege, assisting an Imam, washing the dead before taking them outside the city. Later he moved to Bergamo with his family. He said the only experience close to the Sarajevo siege is Bergamo today, with its constant sirens, citizens locked up at home, medical personnel on the edge of breakdown, and the dead that piling up. Of course, there is no bombing here.
- Posts : 3470
Join date : 2014-10-29
- Post n°990
Re: Virus
Univerzitetska bolnica ovde, gde je moj hematolog - potpuno promenjen protokol za rad sa pacijentima. Odvojene trake za ulaz pacijenta i osoblja, tri punkta provere zasto dolazis, da li imas simptome itd. Nema vise javljanja u lab kad dodjes da si stigao i cekas da ti uzmu krv nego se sedi u hodniku (na distanci) i oni dolaze do tebe. I naravno, svi su pod maskama. Kontrast mi je sa onom slikom od onomad sa VMA, onaj lekar sto uzima briseve nabijenim pacije tima u hodniku, bez maske i rukavica...
you cannot simply trust a language model when it tells you how it feels
- Posts : 3187
Join date : 2014-11-21
- Post n°991
Re: Virus
kod mene danas osetno pojacana aktivnost napolju..celo jutro se cuju auta,ljudi po ulici...a ja zivim na selu u jako maloj ulici..