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    Mreža - Page 9 Empty Re: Mreža

    Post by Guest Mon May 21, 2018 9:12 am

    sjajan algoritam.....

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    Mreža - Page 9 Empty Re: Mreža

    Post by Filipenko Mon May 21, 2018 10:30 am

    Pouzdan. Veruje mu se. Inace, drago mi je sto Bugari imaju priliku da uzivaju u blagodati zapadne kulture koja postuje razlicitosti, i mi cemo tako jednog dana.

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    Mreža - Page 9 Empty Re: Mreža

    Post by паће Mon May 21, 2018 11:08 am

    Filipenko wrote:Pouzdan. Veruje mu se. Inace, drago mi je sto Bugari imaju priliku da uzivaju u blagodati zapadne kulture koja postuje razlicitosti, i mi cemo tako jednog dana.

    Био би ми ћеиф да Бугари уђу у еврозону, па да морају да додају и ћирилицу на евре.

       I drove a škodilak before it was cool.
       Морони на власти чешће мењају правила него гаће.

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    Mreža - Page 9 Empty Re: Mreža

    Post by ♏ Mon May 21, 2018 7:30 pm

    Erm, dodavanje ćirilice na evro se već desilo, ima jedno pet godina. Znam jer odvratnu novu crvenu od 10€ sve vreme zovem bugarskim apoenom.

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    Mreža - Page 9 Empty Re: Mreža

    Post by паће Mon May 21, 2018 7:34 pm

    ♏️ wrote:Erm, dodavanje ćirilice na evro se već desilo, ima jedno pet godina. Znam jer odvratnu novu crvenu od 10€ sve vreme zovem bugarskim apoenom.

    Па зар они нису још увек на леву?

       I drove a škodilak before it was cool.
       Морони на власти чешће мењају правила него гаће.

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    Mreža - Page 9 Empty Re: Mreža

    Post by ♏ Mon May 21, 2018 8:33 pm

    Pa valjda jesu, najjače još da ću da pratim bugarsku monetarnu politiku i makroekonomiju.

    Mreža - Page 9 Empty Re: Mreža

    Post by Guest Mon May 21, 2018 8:38 pm

    ima ko i to mora da radi  Mreža - Page 9 3579118792

    jesu na levu

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    Mreža - Page 9 Empty Re: Mreža

    Post by Filipenko Mon May 21, 2018 9:58 pm

    Bugari, Rumuni i Hrvati tek trebaju da uvode tzv. evro, tj. germano kao valutu.

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    Mreža - Page 9 Empty Re: Mreža

    Post by kondo Mon May 21, 2018 10:06 pm

    A Šveđani? Danci?


    Дакле, волео бих да се ЈСД Партизан угаси, али не и да сви (или било који) гробар умре.

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    Mreža - Page 9 Empty Re: Mreža

    Post by паће Mon May 21, 2018 10:31 pm

    Kondo wrote:A Šveđani? Danci?

    Они ће нешто скандал... скандир... скандинавски.

       I drove a škodilak before it was cool.
       Морони на власти чешће мењају правила него гаће.

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    Mreža - Page 9 Empty Re: Mreža

    Post by Filipenko Tue May 22, 2018 7:25 pm

    Šećerberg u tzv. Evropskom parlamentu.


    Mreža - Page 9 Empty Re: Mreža

    Post by Guest Wed May 23, 2018 9:23 am

    Uticajni tviteraš i "čistitelj" specifičnih tema sa vikipedije - "Philip Cross"


    “Philip Cross” has not had one single day off from editing Wikipedia in almost five years. “He” has edited every single day from 29 August 2013 to 14 May 2018. Including five Christmas Days. That’s 1,721 consecutive days of editing.

    133,612 edits to Wikpedia have been made in the name of “Philip Cross” over 14 years. That’s over 30 edits per day, seven days a week. And I do not use that figuratively: Wikipedia edits are timed, and if you plot them, the timecard for “Philip Cross’s” Wikipedia activity is astonishing is astonishing if it is one individual:
    Mreža - Page 9 Screenshot-482

    The operation runs like clockwork, seven days a week, every waking hour, without significant variation. If Philip Cross genuinely is an individual, there is no denying he is morbidly obsessed. I am no psychiatrist, but to my entirely inexpert eyes this looks like the behaviour of a deranged psychotic with no regular social activities outside the home, no job (or an incredibly tolerant boss), living his life through a screen. I run what is arguably the most widely read single person political blog in the UK, and I do not spend nearly as much time on the internet as “Philip Cross”. My “timecard” would show where I watch football on Saturdays, go drinking on Fridays, go to the supermarket and for a walk or out with the family on Sundays, and generally relax much more and read books in the evenings. Cross does not have the patterns of activity of a normal and properly rounded human being.

    There are three options here. “Philip Cross” is either a very strange person indeed, or is a false persona disguising a paid operation to control wikipedia content, or is a real front person for such an operation in his name.

    Why does this – to take the official explanation – sad obsessive no friends nutter, matter?
    Because the purpose of the “Philip Cross” operation is systematically to attack and undermine the reputations of those who are prominent in challenging the dominant corporate and state media narrative. particularly in foreign affairs. “Philip Cross” also systematically seeks to burnish the reputations of mainstream media journalists and other figures who are particularly prominent in pushing neo-con propaganda and in promoting the interests of Israel.

    “Philip Cross” has just 200 Twitter followers, but has more MSM journalists following him than are to be found among my 42,300 twitter followers. Despite the fact a large majority of “Philip Cross’s” tweets are mere retweets, with Oliver Kamm and Nick Cohen most frequently retweeted. “Philip Cross” has never broken a news story and the few tweets which are not retweets contain no gems of expression or shrewd observation. In short, his twitter feed is extremely banal; there is literally nothing in it that might interest a journalist in particular. Do not take my word for it, judge for yourself.

    Why then does James LeMesurier, founder of the “White Helmets”, follow Philip Cross on twitter? Why does ex-minister Tristram Hunt follow Philip Cross on Twitter? Why does Sarah Brown, wife of Gordon, follow Philip Cross on twitter?

    Why then do so the following corporate and state journalists follow “Philip Cross” on twitter?
    Oliver Kamm, Leader Writer The Times
    Nick Cohen, Columnist The Guardian/Observer
    Joan Smith, Columnist The Independent
    Leslie Felperin, Film Columnist The Guardian
    Kate Connolly, Foreign Correspondent The Guardian/Observer
    Lisa O’Carroll, Brexit Correspondent The Guardian
    James Bloodorth, Columnist The Independent
    Cristina Criddle, BBC Radio 4 Today Programme
    Sarah Baxter, Deputy Editor, The Sunday Times
    Iain Watson, Political Correspondent, The BBC
    Caroline Wheeler, Deputy Political Editor, the Sunday Times
    Jennifer Chevalier, CBC ex-BBC
    Dani Garavelli, Scotland on Sunday
    Prominent Freelancers
    Bonnie Greer (frequently in The Guardian)
    Mason Boycott-Owen (The Guardian, New Statesman)
    Marko Attilla Hoare (The Guardian)
    Kirsty Hughes
    Guy Walters (BBC)
    Paul Canning

    Let me recap, The official story is that “Philip Cross” is an obscure and dedicated Wikipedia editor who edits every single day for five years. His twitter feed has never contained any “news”. Yet among the 160 followers he had last week before the media spotlight was turned upon him, were all these MSM journalists, many more than follow anyone but the most prominent individuals, more than follow an activist like me. Plus big figures like Sarah Brown, Tristram Hunt and James Le Mesurier. What does this tell us about who Philip Cross is.

    The largest single category of Philip Cross’s historic 160 followers is anti-left and anti-Corbyn twitter accounts, especially those that specialise in making accusations of anti-semitism against left wing or anti-war figures....

    Mreža - Page 9 Screenshot-512

    Kakva vrhunska bezbednjačka mreža ljudi i net operacija Mreža - Page 9 1399639816

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    Mreža - Page 9 Empty Re: Mreža

    Post by Nino Quincampoix Wed May 23, 2018 1:11 pm

    jbg, sasvim je jasno da se protiv Labour vodi nesto vise od obicne kamapnje, to jeste sveobuhvatna akcija koja je umrezila bezbednjake, tajkune, vascelu desnicu, cioniste i ko zna koga sve ne.

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    Mreža - Page 9 Empty Re: Mreža

    Post by паће Wed May 23, 2018 1:38 pm

    Такве исправке смо редовно виђали још пре десетак година. Пар пута сам оно, не верујући својим очима, узео да завирим у историју исправки, и нуто чуда, било их је онолико. Тако да оно што сам прочитао три дана раније нестане у виду ластиног репа... е сад, ко ће уопте да посумња и завири у ту историју? Само онај ко је у кратком времену видео две-три верзије текста, па се почешао по глави. Дакле 1 у милион.

    Негде сам чуо податак да друг Мосад плаћа, преко посредника, око 5000 таквих преправљача, што је вероватно претерано, ради пропагандног ефекта. Нек их има 200.

       I drove a škodilak before it was cool.
       Морони на власти чешће мењају правила него гаће.
    boomer crook

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    Mreža - Page 9 Empty Re: Mreža

    Post by boomer crook Wed May 23, 2018 1:40 pm

    Hubert de Montmirail wrote:jbg, sasvim je jasno da se protiv Labour vodi nesto vise od obicne kamapnje, to jeste sveobuhvatna akcija koja je umrezila bezbednjake, tajkune, vascelu desnicu, cioniste i ko zna koga sve ne.

    i jasno je da doslovce postoji peta kolona u samoj stranci. uzas. very british coup.

    And Will's father stood up, stuffed his pipe with tobacco, rummaged his pockets for matches, brought out a battered harmonica, a penknife, a cigarette lighter that wouldn't work, and a memo pad he had always meant to write some great thoughts down on but never got around to, and lined up these weapons for a pygmy war that could be lost before it even started

    Mreža - Page 9 Empty Re: Mreža

    Post by Guest Wed May 23, 2018 1:49 pm

    na stranu serija, ima fin kvazi-dokumentarac na temu

    boomer crook

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    Mreža - Page 9 Empty Re: Mreža

    Post by boomer crook Wed May 23, 2018 1:55 pm

    bas cu da zdraknem.

    And Will's father stood up, stuffed his pipe with tobacco, rummaged his pockets for matches, brought out a battered harmonica, a penknife, a cigarette lighter that wouldn't work, and a memo pad he had always meant to write some great thoughts down on but never got around to, and lined up these weapons for a pygmy war that could be lost before it even started

    Mreža - Page 9 Empty Re: Mreža

    Post by Guest Wed May 23, 2018 1:59 pm

    to je ovo, u suštini

    bio je nekad bolji snimak filma, ovo je nešto zbrljano al jedino na yt.

    plus ovo

    podtekst priče je uloga i, hajde, paranoja, šefa kontaobaveštajnog odseka cia džejmsa engltona (met dejmon u the good shepherd) i uticaj informacija anatolija golicina da je vilson bio sovjetski špijun, pa je sa te strane stvarana klima nepoverenja u h.v.

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    Mreža - Page 9 Empty Re: Mreža

    Post by disident Wed May 23, 2018 2:28 pm

    Koliko je ovo dobro

    Što se ostaloga tiče, smatram da Zapad treba razoriti
    Jedini proleter Burundija
    Pristalica krvne osvete
    Xexoxical Endarchy

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    Mreža - Page 9 Empty Re: Mreža

    Post by Xexoxical Endarchy Wed May 23, 2018 3:31 pm

    Gargantua wrote:Uticajni tviteraš i "čistitelj" specifičnih tema sa vikipedije - "Philip Cross"

    wow, hvala garg

    kakav posvecenik !Mreža - Page 9 251036427

    Spomen-naplatna rampa "Zoran Babić"

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    Mreža - Page 9 Empty Re: Mreža

    Post by паће Wed May 23, 2018 3:37 pm

    Чак се и 1 Алекс Џонс жалио да су му преправљали биографију.

       I drove a škodilak before it was cool.
       Морони на власти чешће мењају правила него гаће.

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    Mreža - Page 9 Empty Re: Mreža

    Post by Nino Quincampoix Wed May 23, 2018 4:22 pm

    Meni je zanimlivo i to sto je James Callaghan gotovo sigurno bio i MI5.

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    Mreža - Page 9 Empty Re: Mreža

    Post by Nino Quincampoix Wed May 23, 2018 4:27 pm

    uzgred podsetimo se kako je zavrsio jedan od navodnih vodja pobune... Mreža - Page 9 2304934895

    Mreža - Page 9 4310bb20bad8f19bbb8b035ce3885097

    Mreža - Page 9 Empty Re: Mreža

    Post by Guest Wed May 23, 2018 6:03 pm

    Malo spy history-ja za mrežni intermezzo


    Conspiracy and contemporary history: revisiting MI5 and the Wilson plot[s]
    Jon Moran

    It is accepted that MI5 had a long-term interest in Harold Wilson. A file was opened on him in the 1940s after he had travelled to the Soviet Union and developed links with those involved with trade in Eastern Europe. This file gave Wilson the codename ‘Henry Worthington’. MI5had ‘never actively investigated’ Wilson but preserved the file on him on the orders of Director General Michael Hanley whilst any card index reference to it was removed.

    But it appears that a scattering of officers believed this was not sufficient. KGB Major Anatoly Golitsyn, who defected to the West in 1961 in a later debriefing, stated that Wilson was a long-term Soviet agent and that the previous leader of the Labour Party, Hugh Gaitskell, had been assassinated by the KGB to pave the way for Wilson. The then Director General of MI5, Sir Roger Hollis, in 1963 had rejected bluntly the idea of Wilson as a Soviet mole, but this did not convince certain officers in MI5. As Lord Hunt, who conducted an inquiry into the activities of MI5 stated:
    I don’t think the group [in MI5] were in any sense evil. They were people on the whole who followed a train of thought: the Russians used to try and entrap everybody, they must have tried with him [Wilson], they must have succeeded.

    Faced with the Golitsyn allegations, certain MI5 officers became paranoid about Wilson. Peter Wright’s former departmental head, Alec MacDonald later stated on television that a small MI5 faction all devoutly believed Golitsyn and his allegations. This faction might have been small but it was evident and surprised London CIA officers with its disloyal remarks about Wilson; one of these operatives stated ‘You would never hear CIA officers talking like that in front of foreigners about the President of the United States.’

    Indeed, they linked across the Atlantic to the head of CIA Counter Intelligence James Angleton ‘where the secret world was even more detached from reality.’ Angleton’s Special Investigation Group probed Harold Wilson and Angleton remained convinced Wilson was a Soviet agent and also believed the smear stories being put out against Wilson bysome MI5 agents.

    A security ‘merrygoround’ became evident – a classic example of the intelligence failure of a closed cycle of the same information being fed and then formally recycled between the CIA and MI5 to reaffirm initial beliefs. (Later, George Kalaris, the new CIA Counter Intelligence head, examined Angleton’s files and ‘was so ashamed at the unacceptable quality of the intelligence he uncovered that he had several dozen of the most egregious examples destroyed as soon as possible.’)

    As mentioned, the allegations against Wilson had been rejected by Hollis and this mattered little to a number of MI5 officers. They were presumably strengthened in their belief because Hollis himself later came under suspicion of being a Soviet spy in the fevered atmosphere of the 1970s and 1980s. A large-scale investigation into whether there had been penetration of MI5 began (Operation Fluency mentioned previously), which turn ed MI5 upside down in a fruitless search for a ‘super’ mole who never existed. In this fevered context, it seems certain intelligence officers took it upon themselves to move against Wilson. Andrew does not cite at all the book by investigative journalist David Leigh which has an in-depth examination of the politics and plots of the 1970s surrounding Wilson.

    Leigh in return is strongly critical of Defence of the Realm: When it comes to the Wilson affair, Andrew’s scholarship appears to slip. He repeats insistently the MI5 party line that there never was misbehaviour against Wilson or his ministers by ‘the Service’, and that it was all mere conspiracy theories. Yet he withholds the fact that the cabinet secretary Lord Hunt authoritatively confirmed the central allegation.
    Hunt, who conducted a secret inquiry, said in August 1996:
    ‘There is absolutely no doubt at all that a few, a very few, malcontents in MI5 ... a lot of them like Peter Wright who were rightwing, malicious and had serious personal grudges – gave vent to these and spread damaging malicious stories about that Labour government.

    As Leigh argues, the evidence in Andrew’s own chapter points to MI5 having a close interest in Wilson, closer than the overall argument of his official history admits and this took extreme form in the (unlawful) activities of a few agents. Before Lord Hunt’s inquiry Maurice Oldfield, former head of MI6 and later Coordinator of Intelligence in Northern  Ireland, had already warned Wilson that an ‘unreliable’ faction existed in MI5. Wilson then called in MI5 head Michael Hanley who apparently confirmed this.

    But it was not only MI5 who were leaking against Wilson. Andrew argues that when Wilson thought MI5 was leaking against him it was in fact the retired deputy head of MI6, George Young, an extreme right wing figure who was ‘an embarrassment to his former Service’.

    But Young may not have been the only maverick. Dorril in his detailed history of MI6 has Oldfield himself and other MI6 figures leaking against Wilson and others and blaming it on MI5 for various reasons. There were a number of right wing security service members from MI5 and MI6 who raise questions about the personnel in those organisations, questions which Defence of the Realm brushes past.

    Mreža - Page 9 Empty Re: Mreža

    Post by Guest Fri May 25, 2018 2:18 pm

    JUST IN: Websites of the Los Angeles Times and the Chicago Tribune taken down across Europe as new EU data regulations are implemented.

    Mreža - Page 9 Empty Re: Mreža

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