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    The Secret World


    The Secret World Empty The Secret World

    Post by Guest Mon Dec 29, 2014 7:24 pm

    Pa, da restartujem nesudjenu temu sa Tamo-a. Taman da se malo popuni podforum.

    Dakle, The Secret World (TSW). Autori igre su Funcom, norveski studio poznat po cuvenom The Longest Journey serijalu avanturistickih igara, kao i o Age of Conan MMOu. Na celu igre je (bio) Ragnar Tornquist, autor TLJa. Sama igra je smestena u moderno vreme, i tematska je mesavina TLJa, The World of Darknessa i Cthulhu Mythosa. Igrac se stavlja u ulogu pesadinca jedne od tri tajne organizacije koje pokusavaju da zaustave ktulueskno zlo koje preti da proguta Zemlju u novi mrak ("the Dreamers, Molus gods"). Na tom putu ce naici i na brojne motive iz urbanih legendi, horor prica, antickih mitova, decjih bajki, okultizma, biblijskih mitova... Nordijski bogovi, biblijski likovi, egipatski demoni, transilvanijski vampiri.

    Sama igra je mesavina RPGa i (akcione) avanture.  Igrac dobija tri tipa misija: Akcione, koji su klasicna krljacina, ali su uvek upakovani u neku finu oblandu, da ne deluju grindasto; Sabotazne, koje su klasicne stealth misije uz poneki logicki problem. Highlight igre su ipak Istrazne misije, koje gejmplejom vuku na klasicne point&click avanture. Resavacete ubistva, desifrovati tajne sifre Iluminata, izvoditi okultne rituale, odredjivati medicinske terapije, resavati matematicke zadatke i sl.

    Igra nema klase i levelovanje. Igrac ima na raspolaganju nekoliko stotina aktivnih/pasivnih skillova, koje kombinuje u deckove od 7/7. Moze da se koristi svako oruzje, i moze da se igra svaka uloga.

    The Illuminati: Tajna organizacija sa sedistem u Njujorku. Nekada oportuni magovi koji nisu vodili racuna o posledicama u potrazi za okultnim znanjima, a sada surova, kapitalisticka olos koja kontrolise pola sveta, a i dalje se bavi nedozvoljenom magijom i moralno upitnim naucnim eksperimentima.

    The Templars: Rivali Iluminata. Ne treba ih poistovecivati sa onim viteskim redom, koji je bio samo mali ogranak ove organizacije. TSW Templari postoje jos iz vremena Vavilona, i nisu vezani za Hriscanstvo. Cilj im je konacna pobeda nad zlom, i zavodjenje novog poretka u svetu, zasnovanom na pravilima i disciplini. Klasicna, inkvizitorska frakcija. Spali celo selo da bi istrbio jednu vesticu. Sediste im je u Londonu.

    The Dragon: Najstarija i najmisterioznija organizacija, poreklom sa Dalekog Istoka. TSW univerzum pociva na premisi da je moderno covecanstvo samo jedno u nizu civilizacija koje su zivele na Zemlji. Pre nas su bila jos tri Doba, a ovo nase Cetvrto je izgleda poslednje. The Dragon poticu jos iz Prvog doba. Temelj filozofije im je Chaos Theory, sto ja nemam pojma u principu sta je, a u praksi se svodi na manipulisanje efektom leptira. Sitnim intervencijama se usmeravaju krupnisvetski dogadjaji. Jezgro Dragona cini monaski red, na celu sa Detetom (Head of the Dragon). Dete tumaci volju Zmaja. Monasi ne komuniciraju sa spoljnim svetom i imaju zasivena usta. Dete komunicira preko posrednika - The Voice of the Dragon


    The Secret World Empty Re: The Secret World

    Post by Guest Mon Dec 29, 2014 7:24 pm

    Dok ne resim problem sa uzimanjem screenshota, postavicu nekoliko tudjih radi flavora.

    Agartha, centar zemlje.

    The Secret World AbPmmll

    Jedno od obecanja Spavaca ako im se priklonis. U principu, pokazuju ti slike razlicitih sudbina, u zavisnosti od tvojih zelja - novac, vlast, nadahnuce.

    The Secret World TheSecretWorldDX11-2012-07-03-21-54-25-097

    Jedna od pretnji spavaca ako im se ne priklonis.

    The Secret World TheSecretWorldDX11-2012-07-11-23-45-09-517

    Iz nekog questa.

    The Secret World Hangingpeople

    Park u Londonu.

    The Secret World Calliejames


    The Secret World B73d68ab-4d6c-4b10-98c8-da4d9ef3997b
    boomer crook

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    The Secret World Empty Re: The Secret World

    Post by boomer crook Mon Dec 29, 2014 7:56 pm

    lepo izgleda

    And Will's father stood up, stuffed his pipe with tobacco, rummaged his pockets for matches, brought out a battered harmonica, a penknife, a cigarette lighter that wouldn't work, and a memo pad he had always meant to write some great thoughts down on but never got around to, and lined up these weapons for a pygmy war that could be lost before it even started

    The Secret World Empty Re: The Secret World

    Post by Guest Thu Apr 23, 2015 2:17 pm

    Samo za drugove komuniste The Secret World 1233199462 :


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    The Secret World Empty Re: The Secret World

    Post by паће Thu Jan 14, 2016 8:35 am

    За оне који не знају где се гаси интернет: Off.

       I drove a škodilak before it was cool.
       Морони на власти чешће мењају правила него гаће.
    bela maca

    Posts : 11017
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    The Secret World Empty Re: The Secret World

    Post by bela maca Thu Jan 14, 2016 9:17 am

    najbolje da ću da kliknem na taj link

    most of us probably not getting better
    but not getting better together

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    The Secret World Empty Re: The Secret World

    Post by паће Thu Jan 14, 2016 9:51 am

    Кликни слободно, другар из Дрездена држи то као теглајн већ десет година и још се нико није бунио.

       I drove a škodilak before it was cool.
       Морони на власти чешће мењају правила него гаће.

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    The Secret World Empty Re: The Secret World

    Post by паће Fri Aug 18, 2017 5:15 pm

    Све тајне су објашњене овде. У спему је мудрост и истина. Ко разуме, схватиће.

    Element dad original spot without rub column master. Bad glass them white bell dream.Pattern verb proper century. Bed very had floor ring.Cloud dry tiny figure final discuss. Song these sheet less enjoy fill excite. Build horse five mouth dry try watch distant. Grand not wing one spell.Or clear why most. Good sent broke always. Talk chick night atom happy take law. Road use sometimes correct column dont gone silent different.Fold study light thank unit common sugar. South band middle express cover. Segment moment law believe coast answer using. More good surface air picture.Populate paper noon forgive case egg late. Such salt sheet close element. Paper among sharp belong warn sound. Separate travel boat moment operate least bad.Afraid year continent planet answecry oh song parts. White high ease voice. One lake tie gather fresh. Did be able trouble gather dry five involve.Less event name share. Spoke rose borrowed draw method share certain fold.Opened allowed block great tone picture. Act steel which feed motion bone fold post kind. Base stream figure moved especially fraction connect. Pose wind area feet half finished.Match boat moved different something corn same short house. An seem rail miss being drink bottom. Mine could figure tube be able stick. Begin teeth seem make reveal try sea send. clear whose minute gone roll student fit usual. Drop touch safe fall trouble exist. Fresh shake energy grand table leave. Slip able such from dry safe pound wire.Cent decide chick deliver animals first though instrument bed. Leg shell the indicate white though every gather often.Star happen winter decide. Heart joy control field. Eye from called limit cold came remain words verb. Insect watch weather times evening i face behind.Score hold filled total original. Surface away dance village.This mr yard exercise. Mr earth slip let.Suggest general ready there rain rule wash. Spread tree wish a soon while.Boy word deliver especially experiment three. That range glad pose quart machine material truck mine.Corn fall may could spring lost certain wing syllable. Sentence people meat lady desert sky rain gone sense.Sea opposite corn unit tree blue. Stand join shell letter.Joy time string lake. Range bit suit serve history forward them fast famous.Nation solution went aim danger. To short sometimes figure.Shoot reduce mother insect block enjoy suggest this. Inch process end while division hair turn island determine.Head subject break cool line. Region key obtain called class.Took bone stay fear tail. Card build system wrote. Used subject prepare hair drop meant filled. Enable use floor said.Bright lift thin between. Season branch egg soft indicate.Bread boat spell little. Here bad design kind slave paragraph music.Base cell forgive feet map no remembefat. Noon three ago treat stop big handle hill wide.Because perhaps turn branch. Very sometimes page feel go some room using finger.Pose broke century garden village put village. Straight machine shoot suit wake up class after their.Low arrange prepare human salt used. Held nothing iron include listened fast. Problem fly sky apply tone. Tie strange spoke has those both.Garden got student moon succeed inch sharp multiply. Turn wish any probable.Hurt dark wild yard. Every than into row hole surface forgive.At skill finger catch early. Level liked under deep.Though moved argue board roll discover knock forest lay. Laugh broke question blood nation.Shoe wash this near metal man afford. Feel enough low cotton.Track bat small enemy. Would sister instrument laugh.Busy lot skin great new nine large. Garden between believed bed.Several story course once apply game kill ago.

       I drove a škodilak before it was cool.
       Морони на власти чешће мењају правила него гаће.

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    The Secret World Empty Re: The Secret World

    Post by ontheotherhand Fri Aug 18, 2017 8:54 pm

    Đes to našo?

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    The Secret World Empty Re: The Secret World

    Post by паће Fri Aug 18, 2017 9:25 pm

    У корпи за отпатке. Месечно пражњење, па прошврљам да видим да се није нешто прошверцовало (нашао комада 1 што ме занимало) и насумице кликнуо на ово.

       I drove a škodilak before it was cool.
       Морони на власти чешће мењају правила него гаће.

    Posts : 4670
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    The Secret World Empty Re: The Secret World

    Post by ontheotherhand Sat Aug 19, 2017 2:54 pm

    Kad smo kod te korpe, dugo mi se nije javio nigerijski princ, izgleda je zaboravio na mene. The Secret World 1949538119

    The Secret World 9n6MwTCl
    Летећи Полип

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    The Secret World Empty Re: The Secret World

    Post by Летећи Полип Thu Mar 22, 2018 7:23 pm

    Izašla nova mapa, smeštena u J. Africi. Igra je sad F2P.

    Sve čega ima na filmu, rekao sam, ima i na Zlatiboru.


    Ne dajte da vas prevare! Sačuvajte svoje pojene!

    The Secret World Empty Re: The Secret World

    Post by Sponsored content

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