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    Rat u Ukrajini

    Ferenc Puskás

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    Rat u Ukrajini - Page 3 Empty Re: Rat u Ukrajini

    Post by Ferenc Puskás 08.04.22 13:44

    Cousin Billy wrote:sa Slovacima može da se (elementarno) razgovara bez prethodne pripreme, ako se govori polako i uz pojašnjavanje nekih reči. sa Česima već ne.
    Česi često pomisle da sam Slovak. Kažem samo, hej, hej, Košice.

    Ha rendelkezésre áll a szükséges pénz, a vége általában jó.
    Nektivni Ugnelj

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    Rat u Ukrajini - Page 3 Empty Re: Rat u Ukrajini

    Post by Nektivni Ugnelj 08.04.22 14:39


    The tragedy of a nation that has a priori vindicated the ideology of Putinism is that there will be no one in Russia to repent for Mariupol. The historicism of Putinism, its ideological focus on the past and on whitewashing the darkest pages of the country’s history, knows only heroes, not victims. As a result, the cult of Russia’s victory in World War II has turned not into a lesson on avoiding war, but into a cult of war itself. The lessons of history have been distorted, turned inside out, debased, and turned into agitprop.

    Putinist ideology is entirely lacking in any positive content. It has no positive goals or image of the desired future. The whole identity of Putinists is based on something negative, and so militarism is an important part of it. Under this kind of ideology, a hero is not Yury Gagarin, the first man in space, but a nameless thug going by a moniker, such as “Motorola,” the Russian Donbas fighter. Someone who, instead of paving the way to a humanistic future, has driven us back into an archaic past, complete with trenches, blood, lice, and murders.

    Killing and violence are being heroicized. The main institutions of trust are becoming institutions of violence: the army and the FSB secret police. And all of this is blessed by the official Russian Orthodox Church. If in Soviet times, destruction for the sake of lofty goals was sanctioned by the propaganda department of the Communist Party’s central committee, now it is done by the Church

    Ima još. Dobar Kolesnikov.
    Nektivni Ugnelj

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    Rat u Ukrajini - Page 3 Empty Re: Rat u Ukrajini

    Post by Nektivni Ugnelj 08.04.22 14:43

    Možda je najbolje ono Snajderovo: they're not even fascists. 

    Nihilizam možda jeste najtačniji opis. Mada on, sam po sebi, ne isključuje fašizam, pogotovu ako se režim bliži kraju (što ne znamo, naravno)

    Rat u Ukrajini - Page 3 Empty Re: Rat u Ukrajini

    Post by Guest 08.04.22 14:44

    Baš htedoh da napišem nihilizam. Terenski shitposting.

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    Rat u Ukrajini - Page 3 Empty Re: Rat u Ukrajini

    Post by MNE 08.04.22 14:59

    Istorija se ponavlja.

    "Tacitus suspends judgment on Nero's responsibility for the fire; he found that Nero was in Antium when the fire started, and returned to Rome to organize a relief effort, providing for the removal of bodies and debris, which he paid for from his own funds.[51][52] After the fire, Nero opened his palaces to provide shelter for the homeless, and arranged for food supplies to be delivered in order to prevent starvation among the survivors.[51]
    Tacitus writes that to remove suspicion from himself, Nero accused Christians of starting the fire.[53] According to this account, many Christians were arrested and brutally executed by "being thrown to the beasts, crucified, and being burned alive".[54] Tacitus asserts that in his imposition of such ferocious punishments, Nero was not motivated by a sense of justice, but by a penchant for personal cruelty.[55]"
    Nektivni Ugnelj

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    Rat u Ukrajini - Page 3 Empty Re: Rat u Ukrajini

    Post by Nektivni Ugnelj 08.04.22 16:18

    Kramatorsk, najmanje 50 poginulih, petoro dece

    Do sad.


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    Rat u Ukrajini - Page 3 Empty Re: Rat u Ukrajini

    Post by Sotir 08.04.22 19:01

    Мор у свом елементу.

    Погођен Доњецк: "Да видимо, проверимо, ако се докаже да јесу...."
    Краматорск: "Звери"
    Nektivni Ugnelj

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    Rat u Ukrajini - Page 3 Empty Re: Rat u Ukrajini

    Post by Nektivni Ugnelj 08.04.22 19:10

    Ovo je vrlo lako dokazivo. Sami su rekli da su gadjali.
    Nektivni Ugnelj

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    Rat u Ukrajini - Page 3 Empty Re: Rat u Ukrajini

    Post by Nektivni Ugnelj 08.04.22 19:11

    Odose Karnegi i Amnesti

    Russia to close Amnesty, Human Rights Watch offices

    Russia’s justice ministry has revoked the registration of 15 foreign organisations, including those of Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch, Reuters reports.

    In a statement, the ministry said the Russian units of the organisations, which also included the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, “were excluded due to the discovery of violations of the current legislation of the Russian Federation”.

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    Rat u Ukrajini - Page 3 Empty Re: Rat u Ukrajini

    Post by Sotir 08.04.22 19:25

    Ово горе што је постављено као некакав доказ је гомила глупости.
    Оно са друге стране је као нешто мало боље.
    А оба не доказују ништа.

    По реду: 
    Проруски извори наводе да Русија више не користи Точку. Има више извора претходних година који тако наводе.
    Са друге стране, дају се снимци возила из Белорусије који се показују као доказ да их Русија користи. То је врло проблематично из простог разлога што су то белоруска возила - њихова војска их још увек користи, на претходним маневрима су користили слово V, тад је и снимљено.
    Белоруска војска се не налази у близини Доњецка.

    Снимак са трагом ракета код Доњецка, који се показује као доказ лансирања може бити и ПВО типа С-300 / 400, али и балистичка ракета. Кад се са друге стране лансира балистичка ракета, логично је да ће да дејствује ПВО - и то у практично истој минути. И то овако неки тежи систем. Значи и тај снимак је доказ ни за шта.

    Кад се гађа са касетном главом Точке, увек у близини остане препознатљиви доњи део ракете. Нисам их досад виђао са украјинске стране. 
    Са друге стране, Украјинци масовно користе овај систем од почетка рата. 
    Могуће да станица у Краматорску и није била циљ - те ракете су старе, совјетска производња, можда не раде како треба. Подсетимо се оне беспилотне код Загреба. Или су погођене и скренуте са циља.

    Да ли је то онда доказ да Руси не користе Точке?
    Али ту имамо и трећу ствар коју нико не спомиње - то што су Руси расходовали лансере не значи да више не користе ракете.
    Лансер за Искандер може да користи и Искандере, и Точке, и крстареће ракете.
    Руси су сигурно до скоро имали више стотина ових ракета. Могли би да их сад испуцају масовно. Међутим, до сад то нисмо видели. Докази који се дају за то су лоши.

    Тако да кад се све сабере, на основу досад виђеног ништа не може да се закључи.
    А докази који се дају са обе стране су лоши.

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    Rat u Ukrajini - Page 3 Empty Re: Rat u Ukrajini

    Post by Sotir 08.04.22 19:30

    Mór Thököly wrote:Ovo je vrlo lako dokazivo. Sami su rekli da su gadjali.
    Кад смо код Точке, из Доњецка су више пута наводили да су оборили Точке изнад града.
    И онда као доказ слика доњег дела ракете, без бојне главе. Без рупа од гелера.

    То је доњи део који отпадне од касетне бојне главе, и падне недалеко од ње.
    И тако видиш наводно десет пута оборену точку, а ниједном заправо није.

    Ето толико вреди што је неко нешто рекао.
    Nektivni Ugnelj

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    Rat u Ukrajini - Page 3 Empty Re: Rat u Ukrajini

    Post by Nektivni Ugnelj 08.04.22 19:37

    Ok, ne razgovara mi se o relativizaciji ovog konkretno. 

    Bilo je drugih slucajeva (Mikolajev, isto 50tak mrtvih), koje nisam komentarisao. Ovo je zverski.

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    Rat u Ukrajini - Page 3 Empty Re: Rat u Ukrajini

    Post by Sotir 08.04.22 19:47

    Не говоримо о релативизацији - то је твој фах, већ о доказима.

    Зграда гувернера (или како се већ зове) у Николајеву је погођена другим пројектилом, није Точком. Не знам зашто то сад уводиш у причу?
    Nektivni Ugnelj

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    Rat u Ukrajini - Page 3 Empty Re: Rat u Ukrajini

    Post by Nektivni Ugnelj 08.04.22 20:01

    Da da, ro je bas "moj" fah, ne daj boze da se pojavis uvek kad ti mili rezimi naprave neko sranje. A prave ih na stotine
    Nektivni Ugnelj

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    Rat u Ukrajini - Page 3 Empty Re: Rat u Ukrajini

    Post by Nektivni Ugnelj 08.04.22 22:17


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    Rat u Ukrajini - Page 3 Empty Re: Rat u Ukrajini

    Post by kondo 09.04.22 0:28

    IMHO bolje je ubiti čoveka nego uraditi ovo:

    Rat u Ukrajini - Page 3 277584067_4796850827092460_8409642812348657961_n.jpg?_nc_cat=101&ccb=1-5&_nc_sid=8bfeb9&_nc_ohc=4P2ch5V0yJsAX-nbngB&_nc_ht=scontent.fbeg1-1

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    Дакле, волео бих да се ЈСД Партизан угаси, али не и да сви (или било који) гробар умре.

    Rat u Ukrajini - Page 3 Empty Re: Rat u Ukrajini

    Post by Guest 09.04.22 0:41

    Mór Thököly wrote:

    pa time smo započeli diskusiju o ovome ali ne, ne bi Mladić Putin gađao civile na stanici, iako bukvalno sve upućuje da se baš tako dogodilo, i jedino što se može izmajmunisati jeste da su opolčenci iz DNR to uradili bez dozvole centralne komande.

    potpuna moralna kaljuga, govnarstvo najvišeg reda.
    Јанош Винету

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    Rat u Ukrajini - Page 3 Empty Re: Rat u Ukrajini

    Post by Јанош Винету 09.04.22 0:45

    Наравно да није боље али нека ти буде. Ови ће бити одвезани и отићи ће кућама, мало посрамљени али то ће се заборавити за месец дана. 

    Едвард Лутвак каже да Путин није крив за Бучу, него надлежни командири на терену. Зна се која јединица и под чијом командом је била тамо. Наредба свакако није стигла са врха да се везани цивили стрељају. 

    Стрелков каже да је "златни месец" протраћен и да су Кијев и Суми непкољени и слободни. Чак и да се повуку са тих праваца, питање је да ли имају довољно снаге да окруже украјинску групу армија код Донбаса.

    Дакле, од 4 циља, испуњен је само један и можда успеју да испуне и бр. 2 - окружење украјинсе војске у Донбасу, али то је на дугачком штапу.

    Мариупољ је све време био снабдеван хеликоптерима, који су носили муницију а односили рањенике летећи на 10 метара висине испод радара и ноћу. Чиста је случајност што су оборена та два хеликоптера, само јер су локалци имали заплењене Стингере при руци и чули су елисе.

    Приметио сам нешто код Руса, нешто што ми је јако запало за око. RWA су страховито дефанзивни, острвљују се на све и свакога, једно време су заиста веровали у надмоћ руског оружја и културе. Сада на телеграму оставаљју само неке препотопске културне производне позног СССРа. То им је некакав механизам ескапизма и менталне одбране. 

    Један други канал који је некада преносио неке глупаве вести, слике мачака и дивљих животиња, сада ексклузивно преноси сцене кланице у Украјини. Тако имам неки осећај беде социјале руског живота, чамотиње у којој људи седе и пишу за неку цркавицу на Телеграму ред извештаја са ратишта ред пеликана у зоолошком врту негде у Сибиру.

    Burundi is an exception among other nations because it is a country which gave God first place, a God who guards and protects from all misfortune.
    Burundi... opskurno udruženje 20ak levičarskih intelektualaca, kojima je fetiš odbrana poniženih i uvredjenih.

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    Rat u Ukrajini - Page 3 Empty Re: Rat u Ukrajini

    Post by rumbeando 09.04.22 1:27

    Nektivni Ugnelj

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    Rat u Ukrajini - Page 3 Empty Re: Rat u Ukrajini

    Post by Nektivni Ugnelj 09.04.22 1:31

    To bi bio veliki volodjin uspeh, uspeo bi da granicu Rusije sa Natoom prosiri za 1000 kilometara i dovede Nato maltene u predgradje Petrovgrada,a od Baltika napravi Nato jezero
    Del Cap

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    Rat u Ukrajini - Page 3 Empty Re: Rat u Ukrajini

    Post by Del Cap 09.04.22 7:25

    Del Cap

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    Rat u Ukrajini - Page 3 Empty Re: Rat u Ukrajini

    Post by Del Cap 09.04.22 9:17



    Ukraine: Inside the spies’ attempts to stop the war

    Gordon Corera
    Security correspondent, BBC News

    Traditionally, it is the job of a spy to keep secrets - but as the invasion of Ukraine loomed, Western intelligence officials made the unusual decision to tell the world what they knew.

    For nearly a dozen days in February, a small group of intelligence officers had been going to bed early.

    They had seen the intelligence predicting a war and knew that if Russia was really going to invade Ukraine, it would begin in the early hours of the morning.

    But when the news finally came on 24 February, it still felt unreal, one recalls: "It was hard to believe it was actually happening until I woke up early that morning and put the radio on."

    For months they had been sounding the alarm.

    "That day people went from 'Why are you being so hysterical?' to 'Why weren't you more hysterical?'" says the official.

    There was no satisfaction in being proved right, another intelligence official adds. But at least they felt they had tried to stop a war whose scale they had been warning of for months.

    The run-up to war and the weeks after it started saw American and British intelligence make public some of their most closely held secrets as part of an unprecedented campaign.

    For decades, intelligence had normally been something to share with as few individuals as possible. No longer. The decision had been taken to make the whole world know about it.

    This not only marked a dramatic shift in the way Western intelligence had been operating - it also meant confronting the painful legacy of the invasion of Iraq.

    The first signs of Russia's intentions arrived a year ago. Intelligence from satellite imagery pointed to a Russian troop build-up near Ukraine. But analysts had little understanding of Moscow's true intentions.

    That changed in mid-2021. "From summer we saw a small group of senior people planning for a full military invasion of the whole country," explains one Western intelligence official.

    The intelligence-gathering and analysis was a joint US-UK affair, those involved say - one calling it a "family" operation. There was no single moment of understanding but rather a picture that became increasingly clear as time passed.

    The exact provenance of the intelligence remains classified - officials suggest it came from multiple sources. But it provided a picture which continued to build as London and Washington saw invasion plans being finalised.

    Vladimir Putin seemed to believe he had to act quickly to fulfil his ambition of bringing Ukraine back into Russia's sphere of influence. And he believed the only way to do so was by using force. "He felt like he had a closing window of opportunity," says one person who was directly involved.

    By autumn, Washington had decided it needed to do something with what it was being told by its spies. That decision, those involved say, was taken at the very highest level of the White House by President Biden.

    A crucial moment came in early November when CIA Director William Burns travelled to Moscow - to warn that Washington knew what was being planned. The trip was not kept secret. The first time some Russian officials were told that their country might be seriously intending to act against Ukraine was when they heard it from the director of the CIA, one official says.

    The next stage was to make some of the intelligence public. One individual involved in the discussions, who like others spoke on condition of anonymity, recalls times where it was asked: "What is the point of knowing all of this, if we can't do something with it?"

    In Washington, Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines - who briefed allies at Nato in November - and National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan are credited with pushing for the release of material. Experts on declassification, trained to understand the risks, began to work round the clock to establish what could be shared.

    "The Intelligence Community surged personnel and resources to support classification reviews for increased intelligence sharing with allies and partners and declassification reviews for potential release to the public (and) leveraged its established declassification process, which is designed to protect sources and methods," Nicole de Haay, a spokeswoman for the US intelligence community, told the BBC.

    One advantage was being able to use commercially available satellite imagery to support the case. By early December, details of Russia's plans for a 175,000-strong invasion had appeared in the Washington Post.

    In London, the intelligence - coming in from GCHQ and MI6 - was met with near-disbelief in some quarters. A common problem inside and outside government was that people simply could not believe a major land war could break out in Europe in the 21st Century.

    It was only late in the year - after the material went through a formal assessment process and the Joint Intelligence Committee issued its considered view that an invasion was now "highly likely" - that everyone began to realise this was for real.

    The rigour of that process was a direct result of lessons learned nearly two decades ago when intelligence had been used to make the public case for war in Iraq in a haphazard, improvised way. In 2003, amid accusations of politicisation, the reputation of US and UK spies was damaged - especially after the intelligence proved to be wrong.

    The ghosts of Iraq have since haunted discussions about using intelligence in public - but Ukraine offered an opportunity to try to put that legacy to bed. New procedures had been put in place to ensure secret information went through a strict assessment process to govern how it could be used.

    Other allies were also briefed. But many remained sceptical. Because the source of the intelligence could not be shared it was sometimes hard to overcome this incredulity, one official says.

    Some European partners did not buy the analysis that Russia's build-up was anything more than bluff. A scepticism about Anglo-American intelligence was also another legacy of Iraq's missing weapons of mass destruction. France has recently sacked its head of military intelligence for failing to appreciate what was being planned.

    The fear for spies in publicising material is that this tips off the other side that they have a leak and potentially closes off that source. This was why, in World War Two, the UK kept the secret of Bletchley Park so tightly. There have been other occasions since Iraq when intelligence has been made public, for instance over the use of chemical weapons in Syria, but never on the scale seen over Ukraine.

    The release included the UK sharing details of Russian plans to install specific individuals as part of a puppet government in Kyiv - and Washington revealing plans by Moscow to stage pretexts for war, so-called false flags, involving dead bodies whom they would falsely claim had been killed by Ukrainians.

    American and British spies both believe that publicising this material robbed Moscow of the ability to justify the invasion to its own people and other countries as a defensive move.

    One spy says of those days before the invasion that he had never seen anything like it - highly classified material would be on his desk one day and then emerge in the public domain the next.

    But the unprecedented outpouring of intelligence was not enough to stop the invasion.

    The public release had not deterred Moscow. That may never have been possible but officials believe it did disrupt Russia's plans. And it meant the reaction across the West was swifter and more unified than it might otherwise have been, they argue.

    They say they made it much easier for other countries to rally round tougher measures than if there had been a confused and disputed picture of who was the real aggressor.

    The release has continued after the invasion in speeches, statements and briefings - the head of GCHQ claimed just over a week ago that Putin was still not getting the full picture from his own officials and there have been warnings of possible "false flag" use of chemical weapons.

    There is also a recognition of a new world in which so-called open-source intelligence - things like commercial satellite imagery and data - has made it more possible to verify or support assertions and that fighting an information war - including through intelligence - is now vital, partly to counter Russian assertions.

    On one level, much of the intelligence was spot-on. There was, as forecast, a full invasion from multiple directions with the purpose of toppling and replacing the Zelensky government.

    Western spies also correctly predicted that Moscow had misplaced confidence about the reception it would encounter. "They genuinely believed there would be flags out to welcome them," says a Western intelligence officer.

    But one assumption did prove wrong - that Moscow's military would prevail in a matter of weeks. Instead, the war would not turn out as many expected, with Ukraine outperforming militarily while Russia underperformed.

    That is a reminder that intelligence has its limits - particularly in predicting some of the complexities of war and the uncertainties of people's morale and reaction. And for all its success before the war, Western spies concede that intelligence cannot tell them for sure what will happen next.

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    Rat u Ukrajini - Page 3 Empty Re: Rat u Ukrajini

    Post by Notxor 09.04.22 9:26

    Manje glasova za Marinu

    Rat u Ukrajini - Page 3 8Q7pYID

      Sweet and Tender Hooligan  
    Del Cap

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    Rat u Ukrajini - Page 3 Empty Re: Rat u Ukrajini

    Post by Del Cap 09.04.22 11:35

    Mislim da je Blitva pre par dana kačila američki tekst koji je najavljivao i to da će biti određen 1 konkretan general kao javnosti poznati komandant cele operacije a pre svega zbog bolje koordinacije, pa evo:

    Ko je general koji preuzima rusku vojsku u Ukrajini?
    SVIJET Autor:index.hr09. apr. 202207:40

    Ruska vojska reorganizirala je zapovjedništvo svojih operacija u Ukrajini, pa je tako komandu ruskim snagama preuzeo iskusni general koji je puno vremena proveo na bojišnici u Siriji, rekao je zapadni zvaničnik, a prenosi BBC. Naime, ruske snage koje su napale Ukrajinu 24. februara bile su organizirane odvojeno, a zapovijedi su primale iz regija iz kojih su došle, naveo je zvaničnik.

    “Zbog toga smo vidjeli jako lošu koordinaciju ruskih snaga”, rekao je zvaničnik, dodavši da ruske snage nisu uvježbane za funkcionisanje na taj način. Zapovjedništvo svih ruskih snaga u Ukrajini sad će preuzeti komandant ruskog južnog vojnog distrikta, rekao je zvaničnik, dodavši da se radi o generalu Aleksanderu Dvornikovu.

    Ko je Aleksander Dvornikov?

    Javni izvori nemaju baš puno podataka o karijeri Dvornikova. Njegova biografija općenito je predstavljena na njegovom profilu na stranici Ruskog kadetskog bratstva: “Rodom iz Usurijska, na ruskom Dalekom istoku, Dvornikov je studirao na Moskovskom Višem vojnom učilištu, Vojnoj akademiji Frunze i Vojnoj akademiji Glavnog štaba”.

    Dvornikov je komandovao motoriziranim bataljunom koji je bio raspoređen u istočnoj Njemačkoj sve dok ruske trupe nisu napustile zemlju 1994. godine. Između 2000. i 2003., Dvornikov je vodio štab divizije, a zatim je bio komandant divizije u Sjevernokavkaskom vojnom okrugu. U drugoj polovini 2000-ih komandovao je vojskama u sibirskim i dalekoistočnim vojnim oblastima.

    Prije odlaska u Siriju bio je zamjenik komandanta Centralnog vojnog okruga u Jekaterinburgu. Prema stranici Ruskog kadetskog bratstva, Dvornikov je “odlikovan medaljom za službu domovini u Oružanim snagama SSSR-a III. stepena, medaljom za vojne zasluge, medaljom za zasluge pred domovinom IV. stepena sa sabljama, medaljom za hrabrost, kao i mnogim drugim odličjima i priznanjima”.

    “Sve je postigao glatko i mukotrpnim radom, nikada nije bio ničiji štićenik i teškom mukom je napredovao u rangu”, rekao je ruskim medijima izvor koji je upoznat s Dvornikovim.

    Putinu iz Sirije donio suvenir

    “Medalju Heroj Rusije dobio je najvjerovatnije za ukupni rezultat ruske kampanje u Siriji, a ne za bilo kakve lične zasluge”, rekao je vojni izvor.

    “Povećane vojne mogućnosti ruskih oružanih snaga pomogle su nam da svoje snage rasporedimo na velike udaljenosti i da ih efikasno iskoristimo. To je rezultat intenzivne vojne obuke, neočekivane provjere borbene sposobnosti snaga i njihovog posjedovanja modernog naoružanja i tehnologije”, objasnio je Dvornikov nakon što je primio medalju 2016. godine.

    Te godine na dodjeli medalje, govoreći u Kremlju, Putinu je poklonio suvenir – fotografiju krova u Siriji na kojoj se nalaze slogani zahvalnosti ruskim snagama. Tek sedam dana nakon te dodjele mediji su počeli izvještavati da je Dvornikov zapravo bio direktni komandant ruske operacije u Siriji.

    “Malo je ko znao da je general pukovnik Aleksander Dvornikov, koji je upravo odlikovan medaljom Heroja Rusije, gotovo pola godine komandovao našim vojnim kontingentom u Siriji”, pisali su tada ruski mediji.

    “Samo je uzak krug ljudi znao za njegovu ulogu u sirijskoj operaciji”, dodali su.
    Del Cap

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