Novak - četnik sa reketom
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Novak - četnik sa reketom
Koliko je dosadno ovo kao kurac
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Re: Novak - četnik sa reketom
O Novaku odlučuju matori beli muškarci. /woke off
Sweet and Tender Hooligan
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Re: Novak - četnik sa reketom
sto kaze contrapoints that must be hard for him as a fat transwoman of color
i would like to talk here about The Last of Us on HBO... and yeah, yeah i know.. the world is burning but lets just all sit and talk about television. again - what else are we doing with ourselves ? we are not creating any militias. but my god we still have the content. appraising content is the american modus vivendi.. that's why we are here for. to absorb the content and then render some sort of a judgment on content. because there is a buried hope that if enough people have the right opinion about the content - the content will get better which will then flow to our structures and make the world a better place
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Re: Novak - četnik sa reketom
malo su Novakovi advokati zaebali numeraciju stranica ali generalno je mišljenje da sad ima malo veće šanse u smislu da su do sada bile nikakve a sada su skoro nikakve što je opet neki pomak
ne može se raspravljati o tome je li odluka dobra ili loša pa se baziraju na to da je zasnovana na pogrešnim činjenicama tipa na Internet pollu i slično
ne može se raspravljati o tome je li odluka dobra ili loša pa se baziraju na to da je zasnovana na pogrešnim činjenicama tipa na Internet pollu i slično
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Re: Novak - četnik sa reketom
Horizontaly challenged.Daï Djakman Faré wrote:sto kaze contrapoints that must be hard for him as a fat transwoman of color
"Burundi je svakako sharmantno mesto cinika i knjiskih ljudi koji gledaju stvar sa svog olimpa od kartona."
“Here he was then, cruising the deserts of Mexico in my Ford Torino with my wife and my credit cards and his black-tongued dog. He had a chow dog that went everywhere with him, to the post office and ball games, and now that red beast was making free with his lion feet on my Torino seats.”
- Posts : 83258
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Re: Novak - četnik sa reketom
Daï Djakman Faré wrote:sto kaze contrapoints that must be hard for him as a fat transwoman of color
"Oni kroz mene gledaju u vas! Oni kroz njega gledaju u vas! Oni kroz vas gledaju u mene... i u sve nas."
Dragoslav Bokan, Novi putevi oftalmologije
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Re: Novak - četnik sa reketom
Rusi i Srbi su crnci Evrope, Nolo je praktično POC. i mene je šokirao izbor sudija, baš Australija to sebi da dozvoli... video sam nedavno slike, oni su gotovo do juče Aboridžine držali na ulici u lancima.
ja se rukovodim logikom gvozdenih determinizama
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Re: Novak - četnik sa reketom
Nije Novak
Prisilno je preseljen iz severne Australije u okolinu Melburna uz zabranu povratka na sever. Trebalo je da mu se nešto kasnije pridruži porodica. U međuvremenu su mu svi članovi porodice pomrli zbog toga što su pili vodu iz izvora koji je bio zatrovan namerno ili na neki drugi način.
Prisilno je preseljen iz severne Australije u okolinu Melburna uz zabranu povratka na sever. Trebalo je da mu se nešto kasnije pridruži porodica. U međuvremenu su mu svi članovi porodice pomrli zbog toga što su pili vodu iz izvora koji je bio zatrovan namerno ili na neki drugi način.
Sweet and Tender Hooligan
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Re: Novak - četnik sa reketom
Poredjenje Australije sa Trećim Rajhom a Novaka sa Džesi Ovensom se prosto samo nameće.
"Burundi je svakako sharmantno mesto cinika i knjiskih ljudi koji gledaju stvar sa svog olimpa od kartona."
“Here he was then, cruising the deserts of Mexico in my Ford Torino with my wife and my credit cards and his black-tongued dog. He had a chow dog that went everywhere with him, to the post office and ball games, and now that red beast was making free with his lion feet on my Torino seats.”
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Re: Novak - četnik sa reketom Pillai @sangpillai
UPDATE: Alright! The case is underway. The Minister’s submissions have also just gone online. You can find them here: Unsurprisingly, they say that all three of Djokovic’s arguments are incorrect.
Djokovic’s 1st argument was that Hawke fell into ‘jurisdictional error’ when he cancelled the visa, bc it was ‘illogical, irrational or unreasonable’ for Hawke to conclude Djokovic’s presence would stoke anti-vax sentiment w/o considering whether cancellation would also do so
The Minister’s lawyers say Hawke *did* consider this (and that Djokovic can’t prove otherwise). They also say that even if he didn’t consider the counterargument this is not ‘illogical, irrational or unreasonable’. And even if they’re wrong on that too, it wasn’t material.
If Djokovic wants to argue that the Minister didn’t consider whether cancellation might stoke anti-vax sentiment, the ball is in his court to prove it.
This isn’t easy. And Hawke’s lawyers say that here it’s very hard because Hawke had no duty to provide Djokovic with reasons for cancellation at all. They say the court should be slow to infer that something wasn’t considered just because the reasons didn’t discuss it at length.
Hawke’s lawyers say that because Djokovic isn’t arguing that Hawke misunderstood the power under s 133C(3) his job is even harder. In other words, everyone agrees Hawke knew what he was meant to do, so it’s likely that he did it.
Hawke’s lawyers go on to say that the evidence suggests that he did, in fact, consider whether cancellation would itself stoke anti-vax sentiment. While he didn’t spell it out, they say it’s clear from the reasons that he considered the possible consequences of cancellation.
The Minister’s submission goes on to say that even if Hawke did not consider whether cancellation would stoke anti-vax sentiment, this would not be illogical, irrational or unreasonable.
The Minister submissions point out that that the bar for showing something is illogical, irrational or unreasonable is extremely high, and that even if it’s been met here, failure to consider whether cancellation would stoke anti-vax sentiment is not ‘material’.
‘It’s not material’ basically means something like: ‘even if Hawke didn’t consider these things, and he should have, it doesn’t really matter because it was never going to lead to a different outcome’.
Djokovic’s second argument was that it was not open to Hawke to find that Djokovic’s presence may foster anti-vax sentiment. Essentially this boils down to whether Hawke had evidence to reach this conclusion, and whether he reached the conclusion reasonably.
The Minister’s submissions point out that again the bar is high for Djokovic. There doesn’t need to be a ton of evidence, just some. The Minister’s submissions say it’s clear from Hawke’s reasons that there was some evidence…
…and that it’s not unreasonable to draw on that evidence to conclude that Djokovic’s presence ‘might’ stoke anti-vax sentiment. Again, Hawke has a pretty low threshold to get over to be on solid legal ground, which makes Djokovic’s job hard.
Djokovic’s final argument was that it wasn’t open to Hawke to make a finding that Djokovic had a ‘well-known stance on vaccination’ without asking his current views on vaccination. The Ministers subs once again say that this is a hard point for Djokovic to make.
The Minister’s subs point out that failing to make inquiries will only be jurisdictional error in ‘rare or exceptional cases’. Here, they say, Hawke made it clear that it wouldn’t have made a difference to his decision.
Hawke expressly said in his reasons that he was more concerned with the public perception of Djokovic’s views on vaccination than with what Djokovic’s current views actually are.
Moreover, the subs say it was reasonable to conclude that Djokovic is opposed to vaccination based on his previous public statements & the fact that he’s known to be unvaccinated. Hawke’s lawyers say it was thus open for him to infer that Djokovic had known anti-vaccination views
That’s all from the subs. If you would like to watch the hearing you can do so here: And @karenlsweeney is live-tweeting again
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Re: Novak - četnik sa reketom
Niđe veze
Sweet and Tender Hooligan
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Re: Novak - četnik sa reketom
"Djokovic’s final argument was that it wasn’t open to Hawke to make a finding that Djokovic had a ‘well-known stance on vaccination’ without asking his current views on vaccination."
ziva nisam sta bi rekao da su ga pitali. Bilo bi super da sudije kazu "ajde da ga pitamo".
btw, ovo je odlicno - sva apsurdnost tih ministrovih god-like powers na uvid celom svetu.
ziva nisam sta bi rekao da su ga pitali. Bilo bi super da sudije kazu "ajde da ga pitamo".
btw, ovo je odlicno - sva apsurdnost tih ministrovih god-like powers na uvid celom svetu.
you cannot simply trust a language model when it tells you how it feels
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Re: Novak - četnik sa reketom
"Oni kroz mene gledaju u vas! Oni kroz njega gledaju u vas! Oni kroz vas gledaju u mene... i u sve nas."
Dragoslav Bokan, Novi putevi oftalmologije
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Re: Novak - četnik sa reketom
Ja nikad nisam razumela taj film...
you cannot simply trust a language model when it tells you how it feels
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Re: Novak - četnik sa reketom
#Breaking Novak Djokovic has LOST his Federal Court Case. The decision was unanimous.
Written reasons to follow in the coming days.
Written reasons to follow in the coming days.
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Re: Novak - četnik sa reketom
lalinea wrote:"Djokovic’s final argument was that it wasn’t open to Hawke to make a finding that Djokovic had a ‘well-known stance on vaccination’ without asking his current views on vaccination."
ziva nisam sta bi rekao da su ga pitali. Bilo bi super da sudije kazu "ajde da ga pitamo".
btw, ovo je odlicno - sva apsurdnost tih ministrovih god-like powers na uvid celom svetu.
Ovo je tacno ono sto liberali ne vole kod suverenih nacionalnih drzava. Ja sam slobodan covek. Ako imas bullet-proof evidence da sam ovo ili ono ili nameravam ovo ili ono u redu. Ako ne - pusti me da prodjem.
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Re: Novak - četnik sa reketom
Dakle, oni su proterali kao talisman(a) of anti-vaccination sentimenta coveka koji je postavio dva vakcinalna mesta. Bravo kreteni. Imalo bi neuporedivo vise smisla da su ga proterali na osnovu pogresno popunjenog formulara.
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Re: Novak - četnik sa reketom
Jel se vakcinisao na nekom od tih mesta
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Re: Novak - četnik sa reketom
Толико је банално ово са вакцинацијом, да изгледа вероватно да су одлучили да им је стао на жуљ због еколошких протеста, па се онда сетили да ово искористе и надувају до небеса.
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- Post n°22
Re: Novak - četnik sa reketom
Janko Suvar wrote:Jel se vakcinisao na nekom od tih mesta
Nebitno, tako se ne ponasa "talisman" antivakserstva.
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- Post n°23
Re: Novak - četnik sa reketom
Sotir wrote:Толико је банално ово са вакцинацијом, да изгледа вероватно да су одлучили да им је стао на жуљ због еколошких протеста, па се онда сетили да ово искористе и надувају до небеса.
Ne. Cista politika. A spoljnopoliticki je jeftino.
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Re: Novak - četnik sa reketom
bukvalno je lik reko " ja sam za zdrav vazduh i zdravlje da bude", Rio Tinto nije pominjao.Sotir wrote:Толико је банално ово са вакцинацијом, да изгледа вероватно да су одлучили да им је стао на жуљ због еколошких протеста, па се онда сетили да ово искористе и надувају до небеса.
Ni bateriju uredjaja sa kojeg je to pisao isto nije pominjao, al to nije ni Savo CIA.
Argument se moze napraviti da se vise stete pravi vakcinaciji i generalno good orderu kad se dodje sa takvim "ja ne kazem da ne, ali ja ne znam, nek radi sta ko hoce, ja nemam obavezu da" stavovima, nego sa bas onako kompletnim Miroljubom Petrovicem.Mór Thököly wrote:Janko Suvar wrote:Jel se vakcinisao na nekom od tih mesta
Nebitno, tako se ne ponasa "talisman" antivakserstva.